Quote Originally Posted by FruitBuyer View Post
I have my Grinder X (god this is the only context where that name is not NSFW), which will likely be my first and only FanToys figure because Grimlock, and he is simply magnificent.

I love my MP-8 and MP-8X however are prehistoric compared to Grinder who definitely stands as the greatest Grimlock figure around (beating Planet-X Vulcun for me).
I concur, finally transformed my Grinder X to Dino mode and it is glorious! I prefer it over the bot mode, as good as that is.

I sorted out the issue with getting the tail pieces out from the leg by loosening the screw and pulling the tail out a bit as suggested by FT. Now I can unpack the tail without scratching the chrome. Thankfully the tiny bit of chrome I scratched on one tail piece can't be seen in either mode because it's on the underside of the tail in Dino mode.

Also looks like I may have secured Stomp X. It's a big overpay but will complete my X set.