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Thread: POTP Deluxe Jazz "error"

  1. #21
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    No that does not say transformers gender is any deeper than attitude or appearance. Gender and sexuality are not the same.
    Except that sexual orientation and romantic relationships are entirely centred around sexuality rather than gender. Ergo your point here is moot.

    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    There is no law that says love is limited to beings that reproduce.

    Amicitia certainly, however eros is a fundamentally different situation; that's the dist8nction you fail to grasp.

    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    With the exception of the Bayverse Transformers has always been progressive, pushing for greater ideals in young and old fans alike. If this is a problem for you I suggest you stop giving Hasbro and Takara any of your money or time.
    You do realise that 'being progressive' in recent hostory has included things such as eugenics, Social Darwinism, The Stolen Generation and The Holocaust, don't you (

  2. #22
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    Yeah ok. The flaws and contradictions in your arguments are impressive. Almost troll-worthy. So, rather than reply to particular points, I'm going to summarise your argument for you:

    Dude has no problem with giant robot hetero relationships throughout the history of the franchise, but the second we see non-hetero relationship, minds are lost.

    Wrong- I have a problem with shoddy universe building for the sake of virtue signalling and take issuexwith sexual relationships in the Transformers universe when they are blatanty incompatible with the established universe.

    But by all means, keep reading into my posts what you want to read into them. You clearly excel at the cognitive dissonance such actions require.

    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    They're alien robots who cannot reproduce sexually all of the relationships that they're going to have are going to be deeper emotional and intellectual bonds.
    Which aren't in and of themselves romantic relationships, that's the point.

    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    There's nothing wrong with LGBTQI representation in media and it's presence is not a threat to CIS white males. If you can't deal with go scurry under a rock, the rest of the world wants to move on.
    If I have such a problem with LGBTIQ relationships in media, then why did I say that in Beast Wars and particularly beast machines that LGBTIQ relationships would work. Furthermore if I am opposed to them, then why did I say that pseudo LGBTIQ relationships are also potentially possible in the G1 Cartoon community, just as pseudo heterosexual relationships are known to exist.

    The fact is that what I have a problem with is shoehorning sexual relationships into continuities and characters where it flies in the face of the established universe; it smacks of blatant and overt virtue signalling and it doesn't do those it's trying to represent any favours.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I don't understand why this has turned into a sociological debate, when Hasbro clearly stated that they don't intend to have Political messages/support on toys (Politicians... not political correctness ideologies).

    Completely different concepts people.

    One concept is about a Politician or their party (as in, the people you vote for)... the other concept is about social ideology and political correctness (as in, concepts in general society, that may or may not be policies by politicians) Sometimes they can be related, like when a Politician advocates or opposes an ideological cause (like gay rights), but in the case of this Jazz toy, they are not related - MAGA was a general Trump slogan (not advocating/opposing a specific policy or ideology), and this toy gives people the impression that Hasbro supports Trump or the Republicans.

    So maybe we should at least leave the unresolvable ideological debates, to topics that it actually relates to (which it doesn't on this Jazz toy), as it will never have people agreeing to opposing opinions (as seen here with just a handful of people)... which spoils topics like these for being off-topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    So wait, Hasbro hates this message because it's political,
    That's not the "political" Hasbro were referring to. They are stating that they don't intentionally support a political party with their toys... not the word "political" as in "ideology".

  4. #24
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    Nicely put Griffin 🙂

  5. #25
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    I like toys

  6. #26
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    I like toys
    Hey, we don't want none of your weird political ideologies here...

  7. #27
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I don't understand why this has turned into a sociological debate, when Hasbro clearly stated that they don't intend to have Political messages/support on toys Politicians... not political correctness ideologies).
    I think this conversation needs to take place. It's been brewing for sometime and it was bound to come up on the boards sooner or later.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    I like toys
    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Hey, we don't want none of your weird political ideologies here...
    Ok, I don't often but that did make me lol

  9. #29
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I totally missed the news about the expected running change actually happening (posted on May 31st), but those Jazz toys are now showing up in American stores as part of the third wave.
    So if you are a fan of Jazz, or just want one without the four letters, the Terrorcon wave will have the (very minor) variant toy with them.

  10. #30
    Megatron Guest


    I want one of each...

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