Finally saw it last night. I have many questions which I can see many people having same gripes as me. Who is Rey, who was Snoke, how did the first order get so powerful, that sort of thing. My main thing now is how are they going to go forward without Carrie Fisher? My gf and me came up with the theory Luke will come back as a Force ghost to continue to guide Rey. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has come up with that theory. I guess all we can do now is wait another 2 years. And as much as I love Star Wars, this IMO was not the best one. My fav still is ROTS followed by ROTJ. Just my opinion.
WANTED BOTS: G1: Horri-bull, Snarler, Mainframe, Chop Shop, Ransack CHUG: Spin Out, Cordon, Brotropolis Rescue MASTERPIECE: Acid Storm