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Thread: Who's got the biggest non-Guinness World Record Transformers collection

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    ^ You obviously haven't thoroughly read and/or understood my OP. It states and I quote " No definitions".

    UCM, ICU, NWA, RUN DMC. Plenty of acronyms out there. The one that really matters IMO is let me pull out my ruler to measure the size...
    Then how do you plan on determining the largest collection size if everyone's using a different criteria? That would be like using different units of measurement to accomplish a common task. It just doesn't work, as NASA learnt when they used both metric and imperial measures for the Mars Climate Orbiter which disastrously disintegrated while entering the upper Martian atmosphere.

    I'm just going to assume that this is a joke thread then unless you help me understand precisely how this would actually work.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    7th Apr 2010


    Last count was about 1500 around 2 years ago. Pretty sure it's higher now
    WANTED BOTS: G1: Horri-bull, Snarler, Mainframe, Chop Shop, Ransack CHUG: Spin Out, Cordon, Brotropolis Rescue MASTERPIECE: Acid Storm
    ENERGON: Six Shot

  3. #13
    FatalityPitt Guest


    Mine's massive, and it's NOT made of plastic (Anyone else watch the Office? The original UK series, not the contrived American adaptation)

    Well, it's a bit hard to answer because everything I touch is a Transformer. I can transform a piece of paper into an origami frog. I can transform a Margherita Pizza, a tin of pineapple, and some bacon into a Hawaiian Pizza. I can even transform 3+4 into... 7! Amazing!

    Serious answer though; I stopped counting my collection after it hit 389 several months ago. It's a bit bigger now I think.

  4. #14
    Galvatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by FatalityPitt View Post
    Mine's massive, and it's NOT made of plastic
    Calls out to Research Assistant: Bring that Light Microscope here will you. On second thoughts, I think I'll need an Electron Scanning Microscope to see this one...

  5. #15
    FatalityPitt Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    Calls out to Research Assistant: Bring that Light Microscope here will you. On second thoughts, I think I'll need an Electron Scanning Microscope to see this one...
    Hahaha (... I'll avenge myself someday)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    just like jelly babies in a jar.
    That's about as accurate as my collection count is.

    I can tell you that it's all boxed up at the moment on account of moving last week. and it all fits into about 25 to 30 large boxes.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I'm not sure if this thread is meant to be serious or not, but if it is then you're going to need an agreed upon way of counting toys for the purposes of comparison which would be the case if you want to determine the biggest collection. If we're not comparing then the counting method doesn't matter.

    For example, let's look at these toys:
    * G1 1987 Targetmasters
    * G1 1988 Targetmasters
    Do their Nebulans count separately or not?
    If the answer is "No," then you have 20 figures (Blurr, Crosshairs, Hot Rod, Kup, Pointblank, Sureshot, Cyclonus, Misfire, Scourge, Slugslinger, Triggerhappy, Landfill, Quickmix, Scoop, Quake, Needlenose, Spinister, Artfire & Stepper)
    If the answer is "Yes," then you have 40 figures (Blurr, Crosshairs, Hot Rod, Kup, Pointblank, Sureshot, Cyclonus, Misfire, Scourge, Slugslinger, Triggerhappy, Landfill, Quickmix, Scoop, Quake, Needlenose, Spinister, Haywire, Pinpointer, Firebolt, Recoil, Peacemaker, Spoilsport, Aimless, Nightstick, Nightstick, Blowpipe, Fracas, Caliburst, Flintlock, Silencer, Holepunch, Tracer, Boomer, Ricochet, Sunbeam, Zigzag, Tiptop, Heater, Hairsplitter, Singe & Nebulan)
    That's a significant difference. Imagine two collectors, both of whom own all of the G1 Targetmasters and their weapons. One decides to count the weapons separately while the other does not. Both collectors are reporting on the exact same toys in their collections, but one collector's count appears twice as large as the other's.

    Neither collector's method is more or less correct than the other. There is no inherently Right or Wrong way to count your toys. And as I said, if collection count numbers aren't being used for comparison purposes, then who cares? But if you are comparing then differences in counting method can greatly skew numbers and yield false/incomparable data. Data can often be misrepresented by fudging criteria - politicians do it all the time. Like when they report increases in employment but without necessarily qualifying what sort of employment is increasing or decreasing (e.g. part time vs permanent etc.).

    So quite frankly, IF the purpose of this thread is to compare collection counts, then I think that it makes sense for people to use a common counting method. You can just tell us what your criteria is and we can all follow suit, or you can use a commonly agreed upon criteria, that's up to you. I personally use the UCM but if you want to use your own criteria, then that's fine but I'll need to recount my toys according to whatever that criteria is. My UCM count is in my signature, obviously.

    P.S.: If anyone knows what Guinness World Record's counting criteria is then perhaps we can use that.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Then how do you plan on determining the largest collection size if everyone's using a different criteria? That would be like using different units of measurement to accomplish a common task. It just doesn't work, as NASA learnt when they used both metric and imperial measures for the Mars Climate Orbiter which disastrously disintegrated while entering the upper Martian atmosphere.

    I'm just going to assume that this is a joke thread then unless you help me understand precisely how this would actually work.
    It's really quite simple:

    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    Time to whip it out boys and girls... I mean men and women, coz that would be totally inappropriate for this board. Don't be shy. Lets celebrate your TF collection count. No polls, no count too small, no prerequisite, no definitions. Just whip out your size.
    Just list how many Transformers you think you have!

    We all know on this site Griffin has got more than the rest of us so Galv isn't really looking for a winner. He is just giving people a chance to say "Hey, I have X amount of toys - isn't that cool!". It's supposed to be fun

    Here, watch me:

    “I had about 2000 when I stopped keeping score, reckon it's about 2500 now. All official - no 3rd party (except for 2 Quintessons ).”

    See? Easy eh!

    Go on Gok, you are a darling of the media now since your and Griffins excellent Hasbro interviews - strut you stuff and tell us how many you think you have by any counting method you deem worthy
    Last edited by BigTransformerTrev; 28th September 2018 at 04:50 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    We all know on this site Griffin has got more than the rest of us so Galv isn't really looking for a winner. He is just giving people a chance to say "Hey, I have X amount of toys - isn't that cool!". It's supposed to be fun
    I was just asking to seek clarification. The use of a superlative adjective in the thread title contradicted the spirit of the original post, which confused me so I wanted to check to see what the intention/purpose of the thread was. That's why I put the word "IF" in big, bold, red text. But if the purpose of this thread is just to share but not compare, then that's fine. No worries. All good. As I said, having a common method only matters for the purposes of comparison, but beyond that it doesn't matter. Anyway, my count is in my signature so there's nothing more for me to add to this discussion. Have fun, folks.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    I reckon I have between 300 and 400. I know, not as impressive as some of you folks but as I’ve always said, it’s not the size, it’s how you use it. And I use it expertly, let me tell you.

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  10. #20
    Join Date
    21st Nov 2008


    Why is there one in every crowd???

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