I really liked it! I wasn’t expecting much from John Cena and was pleasantly surprised - he’s got some acting chops and his comedic timing in his intro scene was spot on. He wasn’t usitilised very much through the rest of the movie though, I would have liked to see more of the humour he brought elsewhere. And he was kind-of shoehorned into the climax - I understand why he needed to be there for the sake of his character arc (and Bee’s I guess), but it still felt odd, like “oh yeah, John Cena’s here too!”.

I enjoyed Dropkick and Shatter and it’s a bit perplexing why those 2 don’t have more of a presence in various class sizes on toy shelves RIGHT NOW, while the movie is showing and it’s, y’know, CHRISTMAS. Prime too, for that matter.

There were a few nitpicky things, but I’d let those slide. It was basically a remake of The Iron Giant, but that’s OK - it was the writer and directors’s take on the franchise, and a perfectly sensible choice. Hailee Steinfeld did a terrific job.

Easily the best live action film. They could totally either use it as part of the established franchise (Camaro Bee, Sector 7, Simmons) or use it as a soft reboot (plenty of non-Bayverse G1 bots!). I’d be happy with the latter, for sure.