This is so sad. I've been buying comic books including TF comics from Phantom Zone Parramatta since 1990. This really sucks. I guess I'll have to look into collecting TF comics as TPBs rather than individual issues, but this will also mean a big lag between when stories are released and when I'll get around to reading them.

Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Zone
*************************** IMPORTANT ******************************
After 30 years in the biz and a short stint online, we have decided to close the store for good. We are saddened by the decision but thankful for all of your support and patronage over the years. Some of you have become life-long friends and we look back on our time with you all fondly.

What this means for you? Unfortunately we will not be able to fulfil any future orders. This weeks comics will be our last delivery. We will be processing all remaining items aside for you all by the end of the week.

>>> If your card doesn't go through, or your invoice is unpaid as of end of business Friday 29th March, we will have to sell your comics on. <<<

We are in contact with our fellow stores in NSW and have given them a heads up that some of you will likely switch your orders to them. We will continue you aide you in this transition and we hope you support our fellow stores, showing them the same love and loyalty to have afforded us. Phantom Phans we have spoken to Glenn and the Frew team and they will keep your subscriptions running if you so wish.

All the best,
Ys, Pia, Liz and Caitlyn