In recent years Hasbro has announced various "green" initiatives and has been telling everyone how it wants to be a more responsible toy company to the environment (despite most of its product being made by oil-based plastics)... and their latest quest is to remove all plastic from their packaging by 2022 (starting next year).
This means, no more windows on boxes, no more plastic insert trays, and no more plastic bubbles on card-backs.
(it's worth noting that their previous green initiative of replacing the plastic twist-ties with paper ones only lasted about a year)

If this does indeed happen, our retail toys will most likely be a combination of toys that are open-packed (like the current 1-steps minus the plastic), or completely boxed (like the last few Titans that had all cardboard inside the box).
Obviously the main issue us serious collectors have with this is that we won't be able to check out the products in-store before we buy them, or even know that there is a toy in the box until we open it after purchasing it.
But considering the growth in online sales over in-store sales, most toys will be bought unseen anyway... and if you think about it, an online purchase will be safer than an in-store purchase when it comes to stolen or swapped-out toys. And as long as you are buying from an online store that has a replacement/refund policy for defective items, without costing you anything extra, then these sorts of toys may just be the future of online purchasing.

So don't be surprised if you start seeing new product images at some point in the next two years, being of packaging that has no windows to them.