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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #471
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    2 years into a pandemic, and people still can't figure out how to wear a mask correctly... makes me wonder how they tie their shoes...

  2. #472
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Probably with a bow tie lol

  3. #473
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    2 years into a pandemic, and people still can't figure out how to wear a mask correctly... makes me wonder how they tie their shoes...
    Yesterday at work I had a customer take off her mask for Apple Face ID, which is pretty normal. But she absent-mindedly didn't put her mask right back on. A couple of minutes later when she realised she was profusely apologizing. I wish everyone was that concerned about wearing masks and wearing them correctly.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  4. #474
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    2 years into a pandemic, and people still can't figure out how to wear a mask correctly... makes me wonder how they tie their shoes...
    Is this the just the mask bit over the nose thing I've seen around or people that don't know how to use a pen kind of thing?

  5. #475
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    It's easy to forget sometimes to replace the mask. Some people do care. But wearing it under your chin to read your phone is just mind boggling. And the concept of having to wear it on public transport and waiting areas like platforms, is lost on most people. Doesn't matter, in a month's time let it rip

  6. #476
    Join Date
    3rd Sep 2014
    North-west Sydney


    So after the weekend I tested myself and found out I have COVID. I don't know where I got it, but other people I have talked to have mentioned they got it.
    Been coughing, having a runny nose and experience fatigue. It's not good, but at least I'm vaxxed so I know I should be out and about by next week, otherwise I might need to see a doctor.
    I'll update this when I'm needing help finding particular figures

  7. #477
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Got a positive COVID test result on Saturday arvo. I was asymptomatic, but now the symptoms have kicked in; was coughing yesterday, and today I've been fatigued and had a runny nose. I'm tripled vaxxed and so far it's like having a cold. I'm isolated in the master bedroom to keep myself away from my family; grabbed some TF toys in on the way, but unlike having free access to my TF room where I can grab any toy as my play narrative demands, I'm just stuck with the ones I've taken. Reminds me of when I started collected TFs in the mid 80s; when I didn't have a toy but wanted that character in my play, I'd have to make up some excuse for their absence.
    e.g. until September of 1985, Huffer was the leader of my Autobots. I don't remember what excuse I used, but Optimus Prime was always elsewhere until then
    And "Shackwave" was always leader of my Decepticons since I didn't have Megatron as a kid.

  8. #478
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    e.g. until September of 1985, Huffer was the leader of my Autobots. I don't remember what excuse I used, but Optimus Prime was always elsewhere until then
    And "Shackwave" was always leader of my Decepticons since I didn't have Megatron as a kid.
    I bet Huffer was because he was a fellow Truck bot. I had Optimus as a kid (it was the first thing I actually saved up for), but I never had Megatron, Starsceam or another "Leader" type character for my Deceptions, so I recruited Needlenose to be the leader. He was the closest large Jet toy I had to a Starscream. Oddly I did have SOundwave and I think he would've been a fairly good Decepticon leader, I still just had him as a support guy of Needlenose. (I really love Needlenose even now!)

    Damn that Sucks. I got my triple shot on Saturday. In Japan they advocate mixing the shots, and I hear it works fine elsewhere s well. Add to that Pfizer seems to be the favoured shot around here, all the seniors (there's A LOT of them) have nabbed all the appointments. I ended up getting a different one this time, Moderna. The first two I had no problem with, but the moderna one, well, aching body all over, headache, felt tired and had a fever. Luckily it only lasted half the following day, but it certainly wasn't pleasant.
    Annoyingly in Japan, getting the vaccine shots is full of bureaucracy. You can't get an appointment without a ticket. Once you have a ticket you have to go online and book. If you dont want to go online, then you have to look at certain places (local clinics, but from a main website) to see if they have spots available. Many of the smaller local places will have a message saying they don't (can't) accept bookings through the website so you have to call them. When you call the they are so busy with those phone calls, you can't get through or they just don't answer any more. Going through a mass vacc place is a total crap shoot as to whether or not you get lucky with a booking.
    The entire experience is terribly frustrating. I got lucky in that the timing was right. Bagged my ticket, sister in law had a connection through Rakuten (of all places) that set up a place open for three days, I navigated through the horrible website and bagged a booking.

    The covid experience has revealed some serious flaws in Japan's "wonderful" health care system. IN that so many places are privately run, coordinating for a pandemic type situation is frustrating for almost everybody. The govt. the medical system itself and the public.

    Oh and now the only "protocol" in place against covid is wear a mask and sanitise your hands.

    Whew, thats all for now. I'll probably rant about other issues later. Like why are GPs so hard to find here? How am I supposed to know whether my ache is a bone ache or a muscle ache? Why do I have to go and wait for 3 hours to see a doctor? Are Japanese people allergic to appointments? They're always banging on about being punctual so they shouldn't be.

    More ranting slowly fades away

  9. #479
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Got a positive COVID test result on Saturday arvo. I was asymptomatic, but now the symptoms have kicked in; was coughing yesterday, and today I've been fatigued and had a runny nose. I'm tripled vaxxed and so far it's like having a cold. I'm isolated in the master bedroom to keep myself away from my family; grabbed some TF toys in on the way, but unlike having free access to my TF room where I can grab any toy as my play narrative demands, I'm just stuck with the ones I've taken. Reminds me of when I started collected TFs in the mid 80s; when I didn't have a toy but wanted that character in my play, I'd have to make up some excuse for their absence.
    e.g. until September of 1985, Huffer was the leader of my Autobots. I don't remember what excuse I used, but Optimus Prime was always elsewhere until then
    And "Shackwave" was always leader of my Decepticons since I didn't have Megatron as a kid.
    When I was a small child my G2 Hooligan stood in for both Starscream and GoBots Leader-1 as needs be.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  10. #480
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    One of Network 7's channels is having a back-to-back session of virus movies tonight - Contagion and Outbreak.
    Way to go, cashing in on a current negative theme.

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