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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #171
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    On tonight's episode of The Last Leg, they showed a clip of a lady in America in a convenience store, wearing a mask with a hole cut in the front... telling the person recording her that she cut the hole to help her breath easier.
    Can people really be that stupid?
    The mask is there to prevent or limit breathing in (virus/dust/etc) particles, so cutting a hole in the front where the mouth is, makes it completely pointless wearing it.

    These are the sort of people that Darwin Awards are made for.
    Yeh I saw that too. Yes Americans can be that stupid.

  2. #172
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by DaptoDog View Post
    No that's not the case, at least not NSW and I'm pretty sure for other states. It surprised me when my wife was tested. I don't have the time to find it right now but the health authorities websites tell you to still isolate. The nurse also told my wife to isolate for 14 days when she administered the test.
    Sorry I take this back. The rules must have recently changed for NSW.

    They now say you don't need to self isolate after a negative test unless you were a close contact of a confirmed case or recently travelled overseas. This was not the case when my wife was tested in April.

    Although at another link it says you should also stay home while you still have respiratory symptoms. Doesn't necessarily need to be for 14 days though.

  3. #173
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    On tonight's episode of The Last Leg, they showed a clip of a lady in America in a convenience store, wearing a mask with a hole cut in the front... telling the person recording her that she cut the hole to help her breath easier.
    Can people really be that stupid?
    The mask is there to prevent or limit breathing in (virus/dust/etc) particles, so cutting a hole in the front where the mouth is, makes it completely pointless wearing it.

    These are the sort of people that Darwin Awards are made for.
    I wonder if there are Americans going around saying, " I carry a firearm to protect myself from the corona virus."

  4. #174
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    A nurse in North QLD who works at an elderly facility, has tested positive to the virus, after a couple days going to work with symptoms.
    What were they thinking?
    The elderly are the ones most vulnerable, and we just had an outbreak at a nursing home in NSW that has been all over the news, and someone ignores their flu symptoms and goes to work among the elderly. Even if it wasn't the covid virus, you don't bring the cold or flu into a nursing home if you have the symptoms.

    Finally, our hard work and commitment to a common goal has paid off, and restrictions are being wound back across the country this week.... some states more than others, but quite a lot can be done now in most of the country, without too much of a hassle if you are patient and exercise sensible self-hygiene.
    And with a lot less risk than in America at the moment.
    More states are opening back up, and their death rate is not slowing down.
    Their population is about 330 million, which is about 13 times the size of our population.
    Our death rate is currently at 98 people, which would mean that if America had prioritised its people over its economy, their death rate should currently be at about 1,274.
    Their death rate today is 86,912.

    That's 85,638 people who died unnecessarily in America.
    It's not like America has anything significantly different to Australia either, as they only have one city (New York) that has more people than our largest cities... as their second largest city (Los Angeles) is smaller than both Sydney and Melbourne. Our third largest city (Brisbane) is about the same size as their 3rd largest city (Chicago)... so the difference isn't about population or concentration, the difference has been the measures taken by each country. Australia (and New Zealand) did whatever was necessary to stop the spread of the virus, to achieve something even I didn't think would be possible. America has some states and cities trying to take measures to stop the spread, but without a coordinated approach that is supported by the federal government like we had here, it is becoming a losing battle over there. Other countries that had their outbreaks start up at the same time have been weeks past their peak, America still hasn't even reached the peak, with 10,000 deaths each week.
    And one state that had lockdown restrictions, has just had them ruled illegal by the courts, with the president praising the decision to force a state to re-open.

    Never trust a billionaire... they will only do whatever is in the best interest of their bank balance. Everyone else is just expendable, as long as the stock market and the economy are kept alive (which is why he keeps giving pep-talks for the share market, and turns on anyone or any state trying to prioritise saving lives).

  5. #175
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    as their second largest city (Los Angeles) is smaller than both Sydney and Melbourne. Our third largest city (Brisbane) is about the same size as their 3rd largest city (Chicago)...
    Be careful to compare apples with apples. The USA tends to quote the "city of x" populations, Australia quotes urban areas.

    The City of Los Angeles has roughly 4 million... the City of Sydney has around 250,000.

    Greater LA is around 13 million. "Sydney" which includes all the various suburban councils, is around 5 million.

    Chicagoland is about 9.5 million, extending across northern Illinois and into Indiana. Brisbane (including Logan, Ipswich etc) is around 2.5 million.

    That's the like-for-like comparisons.

    That said, your point about different measures remains very much valid. The biggest difference is, as you say, the way the whole shebang has been managed (or mismanaged, at certain levels of government in the USA).

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  6. #176
    Join Date
    27th Mar 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Never trust a billionaire... they will only do whatever is in the best interest of their bank balance. Everyone else is just expendable, as long as the stock market and the economy are kept alive (which is why he keeps giving pep-talks for the share market, and turns on anyone or any state trying to prioritise saving lives).
    Multiple choice answer:
    A) Bill Gates
    B) Warren Buffett
    C) Donald Trump
    D) Kylie Jenner


  7. #177
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    A few weeks ago I started working at a furniture store and thanks to mixed messaging from the PM, the CMO and State government, social distancing is non existent.

  8. #178
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Talking about stupid decisions, they're now gonna restrict people on trains and buses. And honestly, like it will actually happen. Wonder why they didn't do this months ago.

  9. #179
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    Talking about stupid decisions, they're now gonna restrict people on trains and buses. And honestly, like it will actually happen. Wonder why they didn't do this months ago.
    Once everything got shut down including offices there was no need to restrict public transport since peak hour demand had fallen off a cliff anyway. Now that everything is ramping up again it makes sense to restrict usage.

    I normally catch the train into Sydney for work but I'm in no rush to get back on one.

  10. #180
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Ah America, the land ahead of other first world countries when it comes to establishing a second gilded age. No wonder they prioritize profits over people.

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