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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #31
    Join Date
    2nd Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Just wondering, should I leave TF's that I buy here in a brick and mortar shop in their packaging for a few days or is it okay to open them up?
    The outside surface of the packaging could possibly have traces on the virus on it from handling at the store. However, the virus does not survive on cardboard for more than 24 hours. Maybe wipe down the clear plastic window with alcohol, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and do not touch the product for 24 hours. However, the toy inside the packaging shouldn't be affected as it has been boxed for months, going by the production codes (eg 93501).

  2. #32
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Everyone is accepting card only, no cash. Its stupid cause they handle the game case for example or the boxes of ceral at the checkout. Also they wear gloves but dont change them between customers.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Work From Home

    Okay, for those of us who are fortunate enough to be working from home, share with us a pic of your home work space.
    Here's what my classroom looks like now.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kovert View Post
    The outside surface of the packaging could possibly have traces on the virus on it from handling at the store. However, the virus does not survive on cardboard for more than 24 hours. Maybe wipe down the clear plastic window with alcohol, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and do not touch the product for 24 hours. However, the toy inside the packaging shouldn't be affected as it has been boxed for months, going by the production codes (eg 93501).
    Thanks, already sprayed the boxes with an antiseptic spray but I can wipe the plastic windows down tomorrow.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Guys... just wash your hands right after you open stuff. Even if you get coronavirus all over your hands, it still won't infect you until you touch your face so it can under through your nose, mouth or eyes. Just use soap and water because soap destroys viruses (and other pathogens).

    <insert chemistry lesson about hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules etc. here>

    Soap is just as good as 60%+ based hand sanitisers (and way better than hand sanitisers with <60% alcohol content - those would be useless), and potentially better because some people don't wash their hands long or thoroughly enough when using hand sanitisers. The tingly feeling you get as the alcohol begins evaporating off your skin coupled with the scents that have been added in can lull people into a false sense of security and make them wash their hands improperly with sanitisers, whereas in reality you need to use hand sanitisers in the same way that you would use soap -- scrub thoroughly all over for at least 20 seconds.

    The antiseptic wash that you'd be using does the same job as soap anyway; tears into the lipid membrane of the virus and rips apart its RNA or DNA (depending on the type of virus), thereby destroying it. Yeah. Soap actually gets into cells and viruses and rips them apart at the base genetic level. But again, you'd have to be spraying or scrubbing those boxes quite profusely to really have any effect (in which case the boxes are probably going to get soggy). You might as well just wash your hands. And it doesn't matter if you're using some fancy liquid soap or a cheap Homebrand block of bar soap -- they all do the same job. The important thing is to lather up your hands and just get into all the nooks and crannies around your hands, between fingers and under nails to remove those germs.

    Coronaviruses, like many pathogens that affect humans, are transmitted by the respiratory system... because it's just a super easy way to infect humans. It requires to host to not do anything out of the ordinary other than breathe and touch their faces. It's not like say, Salmonella, which requires the host to ingest it. Or STIs which... well you know. This is why so many pathogens that humans are prone to have evolved to be transmitted via our respiratory system. Unlike transmission via the digestive or reproductive systems, infection by the respiratory system is super easy for bugs, barely an inconvenience. But yeah, the single best thing that people can do is just to wash your hands.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    The economy is going to take a hit, so are people who's livelihoods depend on entertainment (bands, promoters, etc) because I'm seeing alot of bands having to cancel their tours atm, and that's where they make bulk of their money.

    We're in uncharted waters in our generation for a plague of these proportions.
    This comment especially hurts because classical musicians have benefactors such as politicians and CEOs while musicians that are highly creative and innovative have to scrounge and scavenge.
    I say this because there's a casual who got layed off in recent weeks (at my work) who now can't make money giving guitar lessons on the side.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Okay, for those of us who are fortunate enough to be working from home, share with us a pic of your home work space.
    Here's what my classroom looks like now.

    You've got fresh air and natural light in there right?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Okay, for those of us who are fortunate enough to be working from home, share with us a pic of your home work space.
    Here's what my classroom looks like now.

    You have a awesome backdrop for your classes

  9. #39
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by popculturepooka View Post
    I am wondering, is keeping the sightings threads open really a smart thing right now?

    It's encouraging people to go out and "hunt" when they should be staying home or only heading out for essentials. Definitely not toys.
    People should already be using their best judgement when out in public to avoid catching this virus (and other viruses), and sightings posted here are not forcing anyone to go out if they don't already intent on hunting down a particular figure. This way, going to one store for a guaranteed purchase (thanks to a sighting posted here) is much safer than visiting several stores hoping to find a particular figure.

    Realistically, if we shut down the sightings section because it might be seen to be encouraging people to go out in public, it would have to be shut down for a minimum of 9 months, until there is a cure or vaccine to make it 100% safe to go out in public again (and as long as 18 months). It would also mean not posting a lot of news topics as well, as they would also be encouraging people to hunt down those toys as soon as they are released during the next year and a half.
    As much as toys appear to be a non-priority item, they have a very useful property to the mental health of others, so I want to maintain these fansites as much as possible, so that no matter how bad things get, fans can still get away from it all for a while, and entertain themselves here.

    People don't seem to realise that with a partial lockdown of society, that allows for the virus to continue to exist until a vaccine or cure is produced, any level of isolation they put themselves in right now, will have to be done for at least 9 months, and I don't think a lot of people can survive that without without doing something more than just watching TV or internet, or be able to survive with just the things you already have at home. Especially if you have kids, they are going to need new toys to keep them entertained over the next year at home.
    People need to keep their minds and bodies stimulated during this lengthy period of self-isolation, and while the official infection rate is still only at 0.02% of the population, if they can safely go out and acquire additional recreational items to keep them occupied and distracted from the anxiety and worry of the virus, then the next 9-18 months will be a lot more survivable.
    (even if the actual infection rate is ten times today's known amount of around 2000 cases in all of Australia, that's still one person out of every 500-1000 people in your daily life... and with most of those cases being from people returning to Australia and those they came into contact with, your odds of catching it with social distancing, limited touching of public objects and constant hand washing after touching anything before touching your face, is less than being killed in a car accident or being bitten by a shark)

    As they said after September 11 - be alert, but not alarmed. Which means, keep yourself informed by the official sources (to be alert of what needs to be done), and not follow comments or myths by non-official sources (to be alarmed of what is not true). This is a serious virus for those who are vulnerable to it, but then, so are many other viruses that we experience here every year that kills hundreds of people, so we should always have been practising measures to prevent the spread of all viruses, not just for this one, and then let our standards slip later when this one is gone.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    7th Oct 2015


    I'm sorry but the bottom line is that you should not be going out shopping for toys. Period. Even if it's only to a specific store, on one occasion. If multiple people did this, then the whole idea of social distancing goes out the door.

    There's a questionable line if you're going to stop by Big W, Target, etc. at a shopping centre when you're already out grocery shopping. Personally I'm minimising the amount of time I'm out necessarily. Food and other essentials only. No window shopping.

    Toys. Are. Not. Essential. Items. Especially for adult collectors.

    Our medical and emergency services staff are putting themselves at risk so that our health system doesn't collapse. It's insanity to jeopardise this for the sake of toys. Buy online if you have to and avoid going out unless necessary.

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