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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #331
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    I thought it was 10 days for WA

  2. #332
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    5 days, through to the end of this week. Friday 6pm I believe is the cutoff.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  3. #333
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    If Brisbane is anything to go by, I think your lockdown will only be short, as Perth has been very well insulated, and this country is getting very good at contact tracing and testing when movement restrictions are in place. Putting everything on pause for a few days to make sure it hasn't spread, limiting the number of people moving around the city, they can do several days of testing and tracing to improve the chances of preventing it from spreading, as it can take up to a day to get test results back and if it continues to spread they are constantly playing catch-up.

    There are two options...
    The Victorian option - allow people to continue as normal because of the fear of (voter) backlash, until too many cases and deaths are hurting the popularity of the political leaders... then it takes months of lockdown and restrictions to bring it back to zero, losing over 800 lives in the process and putting a lot of people out of work.

    Or, the option we've seen in QLD, NSW and NZ... lockdown for a few days at the first sign of a community case and assess if the virus has spread... then contain it quickly before it gets out of control and starts killing people, re-opening within a shorter period of time (limiting the pain to the people stuck at home and the businesses).

    I know which option I'd prefer, as lives are more important than short-term inconvenience... and much better than long-term inconvenience if the decision is made to wait, to see if it just disappears on its own (or think that testing and tracing on its own will some how stop the virus while people are allowed to travel around the state freely and infect others before they know that they have come into contact with an infected person).

    Unfortunately, one person at my work was rather vocal about the QLD 3-day mask-mandated lockdown when it was announced on the news during our lunch-break, claiming that it was excessive to force that on all of the city just because of one community case... but obviously didn't care about how many people needed to die just so he could continue living his life unhindered.
    (the really annoying thing was that he and his band of conspiracy-theory-flat-earth-anti-vaxxers actually boycotted the 3-day mask-mandate here in Brisbane last month, and all of them went home just to avoid wearing a mask at work... forcing the worksite to have to close down their shift because the majority of the night shift were missing - and there was nothing that the company could do about it, or penalise them over it)

  4. #334
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    There are two options...
    The Victorian option - allow people to continue as normal because of the fear of (voter) backlash, until too many cases and deaths are hurting the popularity of the political leaders... then it takes months of lockdown and restrictions to bring it back to zero, losing over 800 lives in the process and putting a lot of people out of work.
    Wait. Is this how Victoria looked to people in other states. Because that is not what happened here, it sounds like the tale from Sky News and Newscorp. Our Premier did not allow things to remain as normal to avoid voter backlash. He took actions that were unpopular but we did them. If anything the “Victorian Option” which did not work was the attempt to lockdown hard just certain post code areas of Melbourne when the second wave appeared. That came a little too late and the virus was outside those post codes (and in public nursing homes due to Federal Government incompetence) which then led to the second wave death toll and the even tougher restrictions.

  5. #335
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    And are you implying the Victorian government took this action: “ decision is made to wait, to see if it just disappears on its own” because if you are, you really have no f-ing idea what Victoria has been through or how our leaders acted. I’m guessing you didn’t watch the daily press conferences our leader gave answering questions for hours while liberal Premiers in the other states and the PM ran away from tough questions.

  6. #336
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Oh I just remembered Queensland only has News Corporation papers and that company was running a smear campaign against Labor Premiers for all of 2020. No wonder you’ve not got the facts. F the Courier Mail. Get the facts right or down talk crap about my state.

  7. #337
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Yeah Paul is right. The Victorian governments response wasn’t perfect but it was a damn sight better than some other states. Have you forgotten the Ruby Princess griff?

    The biggest problem we’ve had through all of this has been our dickhead PM. He’s stepped back and dumped the responsibility on all of this on the states, even the traditionally federal parts. So when someone messes up he does the only thing he can do, he blames someone else.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  8. #338
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Don't forget you get a go if you have a go.

    Anyway, yep, almost all the screw ups have been 100% federal responsibility (to the surprise of no one).

  9. #339
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by llamatron View Post
    Don't forget you get a go if you have a go.

    Anyway, yep, almost all the screw ups have been 100% federal responsibility (to the surprise of no one).
    All of it because the federal government doesn't hold a hose.

    It does dictate the news as all the news outlets are spewing the exact same story, with the exact same wording, "Craig Kelly hauled into Scott Morrison's for a dressing down over spending disinformation about medical facts!" and yet the buffoon's posts on Facebook remain up and the Coalition fringe element claiming that Kelly's been censored.

  10. #340
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007

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