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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #281
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Some people would also find it sad we are adults collecting toys, so to each their own. Let's focus on what matters, which is covid that can and does affect all of us in some way.
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  2. #282
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Yeah the third girl was a sister of one of the other girls.

    On the news in Vic, people are not home when being door knocked. They should be home isolating with covid, in some circumstances they door knock twice in a day. They need tougher penalties like prison time.

  3. #283
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    On the news in Vic, people are not home when being door knocked. They should be home isolating with covid, in some circumstances they door knock twice in a day. They need tougher penalties like prison time.
    I saw that on the news as well (a quarter of 500 positive people who were checked on, who should be staying at home in quarantine, were not home), which is really disappointing, and explains why the Victorian numbers just aren't going down, after a number of weeks of restrictions. Millions of Victorians are sacrificing their normal routines and lives to save lives, and selfish people who know that they are infected are going about their lives as normal and spreading the virus. Dozens of people are dying in Victoria of this, and those people don't seem to care, because it isn't them or anyone they care about (if they care about anyone).
    One of the three girls who came back to QLD initially refused to tell the authorities where they had been during the week while they were back, which is similarly selfish, and lacks any concern for anyone else, as if everyone else is too insignificant to care if they get sick.
    (two of the places they admitted to visiting (which includes the restaurant that now infected someone else) are only about 800 meters away from my house, so if they infected anyone who lives locally who ate or works there, my suburb could be one of the first hotspots in Brisbane)

    I hope that the virus-positive people who breach their quarantine requirements, who are obviously spreading the virus since the numbers are not dropping, face hefty penalties. The unfortunate thing is that we probably can't accurately know if a death could be traced back to one of the positive people who left their house and infected others. For the QLD trio, they are known to have infected a man at the same restaurant they were at, who has a wife (now tested positive) who works at a nursing home. It is just that easy for the virus to make its way to an enclosed (almost isolated) environment that houses the most vulnerable people. Most of the deaths in Victoria in the current outbreak are coming from elderly at nursing homes... once it gets transported into one of those facilities, it just spreads like wildfire, and instead of 1 out of 100 dying, it is closer to 50% of those infected who die.

    A better penalty for these people who are selfishly unconcerned about who gets infected (including those who publicly harass others who are enforcing the use of masks or distancing, or even wearing them), should be forced to do "community service" work at a hospital that has these suffering and dying people (and their weeping relatives), and see how much of an insignificant thing or "hoax" it is. (obviously the infected people have to wait until the virus is out of their system, but those people need to see what their negligent actions are doing to others, and it could help lighten the load on the hospital staff, who need to spread their services between treating people, and comforting others).

  4. #284
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    A better penalty for these people who are selfishly unconcerned about who gets infected (including those who publicly harass others who are enforcing the use of masks or distancing, or even wearing them), should be forced to do "community service" work at a hospital that has these suffering and dying people (and their weeping relatives), and see how much of an insignificant thing or "hoax" it is. (obviously the infected people have to wait until the virus is out of their system, but those people need to see what their negligent actions are doing to others, and it could help lighten the load on the hospital staff, who need to spread their services between treating people, and comforting others).
    Yeah, this.
    I reckon this would be more effective than any fine or jail time could achieve (not that I'm saying we should wave that, but in addition to that).
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  5. #285
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Well that didn't take long to go from outrage to body shaming in one day and yet no one is concerned that 2 people of colour were pretty much fixed by the Australian MSM, yet other people who have acted much the same have not because they come from more, "affluent" suburbs across Australia.
    I think people living in the affected areas of Gold Coast, Logan, and Brisbane get a free pass on the ?outrage? given they?ll be the ones potentially affected. Katoomba is a long way away from a major outbreak, so your outrage mileage may vary. And I hadn?t seen the photos and ethnicity at the time, because it was only the newspaper that printed them initially. Do find it ironic though that the ABC and Murdoch press are both labelled main stream media/

    They could have come from the most affluent suburbs in Australia, but they were supposed to be self-quarantining and lied about their travel history. One (allegedly) destroyed her phone to make it more difficult to track her movements in Qld because (allegedly) was trying to conceal her crime syndicate contacts here.

    And they were charged at the time, and faced court yesterday. The story has gotten worse as investigations have proceeded. If the second had just made up a few visits to some locations then she probably wouldn?t have received the greater police scrutiny and the whole story come out. The covid related charges are, ironically, likely to be a smaller sentence.

    Oh and is anyone else really ticked off that apostrophes keep getting changed to ? On the board lately?
    Either it?s just me, or it?s been a really bad week.
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

  6. #286
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by reillyd View Post
    Oh and is anyone else really ticked off that apostrophes keep getting changed to ? On the board lately?
    Either it?s just me, or it?s been a really bad week.
    I can't figure out why it is doing it. I have changed a number of settings, but nothing seems to be fixing it. When the board was upgraded last year, it was doing it to a lot of people, but when I changed one of the recommended settings, it appeared to fix it for most people... except there are 2 or 3 people it is still happening to. And I don't know why. And it is really bugging me.

  7. #287
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Lets see ' if that happened No?

    Edit: Hah it's ok

  8. #288
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Obviously this is a first world problems type situation and there's a lot of bigger issues in Melbourne at the moment, but...

    With all shops now closed for six week (and maybe more) and reduced to Click and Collect only, it would be a great time for online stores to sort out the "random assortment/styles may differ" on waves/size classes of TFs.

  9. #289
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Obviously this is a first world problems type situation and there's a lot of bigger issues in Melbourne at the moment, but...

    With all shops now closed for six week (and maybe more) and reduced to Click and Collect only, it would be a great time for online stores to sort out the "random assortment/styles may differ" on waves/size classes of TFs.
    For companies such as Myer who are in a fight for their lives as a company in the medium term, it's actually vital they improve their online offerings. This is a simple yet effective way for them to greatly improve how easy it is to purchase online.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  10. #290
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    From Sleeping Giants Oz on Twitter:

    "Three men lie about where they have been & sneak across the QLD border after being in Victoria.

    NO Photos on the front page

    NO screaming headlines of "enemies of the state"

    NO release of their names

    NO outing where they work

    NO raiding their social media for photos"

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