I found myself having a chuckle at this webpage from NHK.

I'd like to draw attention to the picture of people spaced out on the train seats, where is this magical train?
Also down the very bottom,
Work from home or stagger hours with collegues.
Also: Work in spacious rooms.

I appreciate their efforts, but there is not a lot of this going on. Also conflicting information.

One section suggests not travelling to areas with high infections and generally avoid travelling. YET the govt has initatied the ever so awesomely name "Go to Travel" campaign where they'll subsidize one's accommodation. So, am I to travel or not?
They'll follow that up with a "go to eat" campaign subsidizing visits to restaurants. While I see the need to get people spending money (despite the job losses of people), I'd rather see them set up some rules for businesses to follow in regards to spacing and amount of customers per metre etc.