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Thread: How do you divide up the original Generation 1 era?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I think what Paul is alluding to is the fact that threads never get deleted, they just get locked and allowed to fade into obscurity. the fact that Gok had an 'active' thread with many posts from others deleted is way outside the normal process of the board.
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  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    Easy answer....


    G1 is G1. But as Kelvin can’t understand, there aren’t 2 Barrages in G1 that need splitting into eras, there are just 2 transformers with the same name. One is an insecticon, one is a micro master. They align themselves with that simple piece of additional knowledge. Same for the constructions. Original, European yellow, European yellow non-combining, G2. It has nothing to do with eras.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim Prime View Post
    I think trying to divide G1 up is so full of quandaries that it's a process that can do little but lead to madness. See the attempts by Takara to make everything up until Car Robots one continuity - here and here

    What are the defining criteria that you're using to classify? Is it cartoon, comic, origin, toy style? Do we count the Gold Box reissues as early G1 when they were released closer to Action Master times? The western comics appeared to do a decent job of just saying "they all exist" and just get on with story telling so there was no real need to divide the timeline up.

    Do we class Headmasters with S3, because that makes sense from a cartoon narrative and alt mode style, but then what do we do about Pretenders and the second round of Targetmasters?

    I think the benefits of the subdivision you outline above are less beneficial, because the fan that knows enough about the various releases knows about the confusion between G1 yellow and G2 constructicons so knows the tell tale signs to look for. (Case in point - I know a lot of otherwise useless bits of information about Transformers, and I didn't even know that there were G2 constructicons that combined)

    There are just so many ways to slice the cake that everyone is going to have their unique preference that trying to divide it into three neat divisions is not realistic.
    My original deleted post was to point out the way that I have heard G1 broken up over my last 25 years interacting with TF fans of all type, so more organic than the approaches suggested above which I feel are over complicated for such as short number of years.

    So I would agree with Krayt and vote a DON'T option. It's unnecessary, a form of gatekeeping, would make posts more obtuse, and creates an excuse for pedantry.

    You can correct some who misidentifies a G1.5 toy without these terms (and I hate the G1.5 term personally but I understand it!).

    You can use existing words like "Insecticon, Micromaster, Pretender, Action Master" to differentiate between characters with the same name. And this is Transformers: having to qualify what you mean when you refer to Starscream, Bumblebee, Inferno, Soundwave, Bonecrusher, Wheelie (and on and on and on) is a constant anyway!*

    But this topic has raised something I want to ask others about but I'll start another thread for that at some point in the next few days.

    *I once tried to explain to my surely confused Grandmother that I had Classic Pretender Jazz but not Classics Jazz and I would very much like Classic Jazz if that was the toy she saw. She didn't buy me Classics Jazz. I later bought Action Master Jazz and maybe 10 or more toys called Jazz since then

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    My original deleted post was to point out the way that I have heard G1 broken up over my last 25 years interacting with TF fans of all type, so more organic than the approaches suggested above which I feel are over complicated for such as short number of years.
    Yeah I feel the same way, IE there's a clear "before and after the movie" which doesn't neatly split by year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    So I would agree with Krayt and vote a DON'T option. It's unnecessary, a form of gatekeeping, would make posts more obtuse, and creates an excuse for pedantry.
    Of course. We all know Gok is a specific sort of guy. So I can see why categorising is something he'd like to do. But of course, Hasbro don't necessarily make sure things are neat and orderly over the years (as personnel change, as the market changes etc). I guess he's trying to sense the "vibe" of how the fandom DO split up G1, given the ambiguity.

    For whatever reason, there's a fair chunk of the fandom that cut things off after the movie, or after 1986. And I think Gok was trying to suss that out.

    "Don't" is certainly a viable option.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    You can correct some who misidentifies a G1.5 toy without these terms (and I hate the G1.5 term personally but I understand it!).
    Yeah that term, and "Euro G1" are both misnomers. A cultural artifact of the the US-centric fandom. "Non-US" G1 would actually be most appropriate, if anything.

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  4. #24
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    I generally divide it in my mind into the US cartoon run years, the JP cartoon (Headmasters to Zone) years, and the tail end proto-G2 years.

    Then again, the US cartoon run years also do kind of have their own division, obviously by the movie, but still feel mostly like a unit due to a large amount of shared cast.

    I know there's a lot of overlap and broad-ness to it, but those all feel decently distinct to me and are how I subconsciously do it. I don't have any skin in the game with the above discussion I've read, but I guess this as good a place as any to explain your own opinions if you feel those categories don't suit you. Stuff like this is often extremely variable between individuals, so I think rigid categories are mostly not useful, but that's my opinion.
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    I generally divide it in my mind into the US cartoon run years, the JP cartoon (Headmasters to Zone) years, and the tail end proto-G2 years.
    * US cartoon years = 1984-87
    * JP cartoon years = 1987-90 - so you have an overlap there with 1987, unless you just want to arbitrarily declare 1987 to be a JP cartoon year since The Headmasters was a much longer series than Sunbow Season Four
    * Proto-G2 year = Early 1993. It was only the early 1993 G1 Transformers that would be later repackaged as G2.
    Your division does not account for 1991 and 1992.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    Stuff like this is often extremely variable between individuals, so I think rigid categories are mostly not useful, but that's my opinion.
    Meh, this poll is just asking which method you prefer, not method you think is necessarily the best. It's like being on a flight and you're offered a choice of meals between chicken, fish or vegetarian. Neither might be what you actually want to eat, but the flight attendant is asking you to make a choice based on your preference. Or you could choose to skip the meal and that's fine too. And at the end of the day, this is just an opinion poll. It's not like we're voting in a new government or anything.

    Many systems of classification are inherently arbitrary. Why are Europe, Africa and Asia classified as separate continents even though it's one big land mass? How are the UK and the Philippines considered part of the continents of Europe and Asia respectively when they're islands unconnected to continental land masses? What counts as a planet and why? Are viruses living or non-living? Why are Bosnian and Croatian considered different languages despite having a high level of mutual intelligibility, but mutually unintelligible Cantonese and Mandarin are classified as dialects of Chinese? Why are North and South Korea recognised as separate sovereign states, but Taiwan is not recognised as being separate from China? Why do we call the 10th month of the year "OCTOber" when it means "Eighth month"? Why are the letters W and Y classified as consonants when they can sometimes be pronounced as vowels? etc etc etc. Je ne c'est pas. Ultimately we just decide on general consensus to help us make sense of the world and just run with it, even if it doesn't always make sense.

  6. #26
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    27th Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Why are Europe, Africa and Asia classified as separate continents even though it's one big land mass?
    Continents as we understand them are a Geopolitical distinction

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    How are the UK and the Philippines considered part of the continents of Europe and Asia respectively when they're islands unconnected to continental land masses?
    Once again, Continents as we understand them are a Geopolitical distinction

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    What counts as a planet and why?
    A planet is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Are viruses living or non-living?
    Non-living. They require a "host" to provide the mechanics of replication.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Why are Bosnian and Croatian considered different languages despite having a high level of mutual intelligibility, but mutually unintelligible Cantonese and Mandarin are classified as dialects of Chinese?
    They aren't. "Declaration on the common language" was issued in 2017.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Why are North and South Korea recognised as separate sovereign states, but Taiwan is not recognised as being separate from China?
    1: The Korean War.
    2: Taiwan is seperate... Unless you are Chinese. They are seeking their seat on the UN seperate from China.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Why do we call the 10th month of the year "OCTOber" when it means "Eighth month"?
    Becaue January and February were added circa 713BC

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Why are the letters W and Y classified as consonants when they can sometimes be pronounced as vowels?
    A vowel is a sound, not a letter!

    Sometimes, the letter "y" is a consonant, and other times it is a vowel. The rule for telling the two apart is simple: The letter "y" is a consonant when it is the first letter of a syllable that has more than one letter. If "y" is anywhere else in the syllable, it is a vowel.

    Sometimes, the letter "w" is a consonant, and other times it is a vowel. The rule for telling the two apart is simple: The letter "w" is vowel when it's part of the second vowel in a double vowel.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Ultimately we just decide on general consensus to help us make sense of the world and just run with it, even if it doesn't always make sense.
    We don't "just decide" on anything... these things have facts and proof... not just whatever you want to decide on

  7. #27
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    Continents as we understand them are a Geopolitical distinction
    There is a different, geological, basis for what constitutes a continent. And the scientific basis for that isn't entirely settled. Which is I think the point Gok is making.

    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    Non-living. They require a "host" to provide the mechanics of replication.
    This isn't universally accepted, either. The general consensus agrees with you, but Gok is alluding to the grey area here.

    I'm not going to argue the merits of either side of these discussions, but yeah I think Gok was pointing to grey areas is all.

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  8. #28
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    About the virus...

    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    This isn't universally accepted, either. The general consensus agrees with you, but Gok is alluding to the grey area here.
    Please show me where people say otherwise, and i'll go take my Science degree in Microbiology (you know... viruses and stuff) back for a refund..... Would only be 20 years of my life ruined if true...

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    About the virus...

    Please show me where people say otherwise, and i'll go take my Science degree in Microbiology (you know... viruses and stuff) back for a refund..... Would only be 20 years of my life ruined if true...
    Hate to be that guy but you come across sounding like Goki-san.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    I would also like to note, that despite there being quite a few comments expressing an opinion that there is no need to further divide the G1 era, it has not been added as a poll option, even though the old thread was deleted and this new thread was created so that the poll options could be edited.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unicran View Post
    Hate to be that guy but you come across sounding like Goki-san.
    No, he just sounds like he knows what he’s talking about.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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