Hot on the heels of the in-house Wizards of the Coast Trading (battle) Card Game, comes a licensed battle card game from Renegade Game Studios.
The main difference this time is that you will be buying the full set of cards this time, in starter packs and in any later theme/season packs... from which you build your best/preferred deck before you battle.

So far only vague details are known, along with a preliminary image of the box... but this page on Renegade's website shows us their Power Rangers starter pack, which is us$45... has about 130 character cards, plus a number of other accessories for playing the game. The link also has a youtube video you can watch, to see how this type of game is played... of which I would expect a similar format for Transformers.

The WOTC game was a fast release of several series, at huge cost to those wanting most or all of the set, which put off a lot of people fast (including me)... so I wonder if this game is coming out too soon while there is still a loyalty to WOTC by those still keen on a battle card game, and a hesitancy by others to buy into a new battle card game after a negative experience to WOTC. After all, there are still WOTC card packs and boxes still in-stock at a lot of online places, that people will still be seeing for a few years, basically reminding them that "this in-house game failed by a market leader in card games, so why bother spending money on a licensed one".