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Thread: TFAn Review Ep6 (Spoilers)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    I liked this episode. I think it touched on a variety of themes nicely. Appreciating people for what they are, fairness and freedom, right to life etc. Good for a kids show.

    I didn't care for the Dinobots. I appreciate them being introduced and look forward to further appearances but their introduction didn't do anything for me. Nada at all. And I'm a Dinobot fan too...

    The key is no longer even remotely tolerable. I understand that it's necessary to keep the girl around but what -can't- it do? It's like the ultimate weapon and the Autobots are like, yeah, let this girl keep it...

    The things that keep this from being as enjoyable like, as Kup says, Beast Wars is the stupidity of the Autobots. THey aren't blatantly idiotic as they were in Cybertron or Energon but these points really peeve me off:
    1.) The Dinobots change colour and they don't even notice!
    2.) "Reverse engineering" anyone...?
    3.) This little girl knows where every compartment on the Autobots are to stick that key. What did they do? Strip down their component parts and showed them all the key ports in their metallic hides? Really stupid.
    4.) That Professor is brain yet he looks drugged up 90% of the time.

    The best part was how they left the episode's ending hanging. You know u want to see more of the Dinobots and the transforming of Grimlock was a fresh sigh of relief.

    As it stands, not bad. But still not that great.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    Stop. Don't go there. There was a reason that other thread was locked and rules now in place.

    We discuss animated for what it is, (a superhero series), and the story and characters portrayed within it. If you don't have anything to do but bitch and moan that it doesn't compare, then I really question why you or others watch animated, so stop watching animated if, to you, the few episodes so far pale against a whole completed past series.

    If you want to discuss another series make another thread.

    Sorry if I sound harsh, but I still see the typical crapping on that these individual episode discussions were designed to put a halt to.
    Please re-read Griffin's guidelines on the first post. We are allowed to bring up other Transformers series when discussing this particular episode. This includes episodes from the same series and other Transformers series comparisons in discussions as long as it relevant and within the context of this particular episode which STL has done correctly.

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post

    Inter-series comparisons that are not specifically dealing with this episode (including general series to series comparisons) are not to be posted here.
    STL is making a series comparison that is specifically dealing with events in this particular episode. This is within the established guidelines of this thread.

    As I understand it, the other thread was closed so that we can have more orderly discussions on each episode without cluttering everything in one thread. This makes it easy to read and discuss without diverting from the main topic or having to read an entire thread to find the episode you wish to discuss.
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 03:04 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    There is a difference between the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. I was hoping that a guideline on discussion parameters would prevent discussion from getting heated or agressive. That was the spirit of it, based on past experiance of unmoderated opinionated discussions, here and abroad. Unfortunately, following it to the letter, was too restrictive, and just prompted people to want to jump on others over it as soon as they could. The guideline may have been pre-empted by one person's irrational behaviour in earlier topics, but it was never instigated with just one person in mind. It was developed and re-written a number of times on the sole reason that comparative discussions have torn apart fan communities in the past. Unfortunately it will have to be the risk we take here, because I don't want to be sucking the fun out of people interacting here. Discussion topics will no longer be labelled with any additional rules or guidelines that are not already covered in the board guidelines topic (in the intro section). The Animated topics have already been editted to reflect this. You're free to say what you like about this and other TF series, but if the discussion gets too heated or agressive, the Mods/Admin will step in, as with any topic on this board. I just have to make sure I spend more time reading and monitoring topics, since it is ultimately my responsibility to provide the rest of you with an inviting environment.
    And if you disrespect a moderator when they are contacting you about a moderator related issue, you will have to deal with me and explain why you should be allowed to continue interacting here. They are doing it on my behalf, so if you disrespect them, you are disrespecting me. If you don't agree with the moderator's decision, you come to me with your problem. Issues that do not concern other board members do not need to be thrust in their faces and spoil their time here.

    I was called by another board staffer to address this issue because they were not being respected by members here, as they are entitled to. Moderators don't get paid for the job or get anything in return, they do it volunterily for your benefit as well as their own. The time spent monitoring this community and the frustrations caused by the occasional unruly member and how I deal with them, is a selfless task that can often effect their enjoyment of Transformers in the process.
    The behaviour here, and the rules in place are my responsibility, so if any member or moderator has a problem with the way this community is run, tell me about it. I would like to think that the reason people choose to interact here is because I can be rational enough to adapt myself and this community to the needs of those who use it and respect it.

    As for this particular topic, STL didn't appear to intentionally mean anything negative by mentioning Beast Wars, even if it could have been worded better to state it as his own opinion instead of someone else's. And even still, it wouldn't even rate something for the board staff to do anything about it anyway.
    There was no reason for a non-staff member to publically post what they thought was a breach of the rules (reguardless of the interpretation). It is in the board guidelines for you to contact a staff member if you have a problem with someone's posting content. One member is not likely to listen to another member criticising their posting content in relation to the rules, so leave it to the people on this board who are responsible for it.
    Both of the postings after STL's are here for reference, for other board members to see the reason behind my off-topic posting.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    If you don't have anything to do but bitch and moan that it doesn't compare, then I really question why you or others watch animated, so stop watching animated if, to you, the few episodes so far pale against a whole completed past series.
    Wow. That's feisty. I didn't even realise this thread got that heated. Those threads weren't even there yesterday.

    Hrm, my bad for mentioning Kup in my reference to BWs. (Sorry Kup!) I try and incorporate what I recall of other board member's thoughts that I agree with where I can, just gives that community feel which is what I like about this board. It wasn't meant to be a BWs is far better than so and so for reasons so and so because so and so and so just living up to what happened in so and so. Even the dot points after it aren't comparative, just picking up what I felt was wrong with the episode in general. Heck, 99% of the post commented on the Animated episode. It's a meanstreak to take that 1 line so far.

    What I found offensive though is being referred to as someone who "bitch and moans". I don't like that being said about me or any other board member. We share differences of opinions on Transformers but I think it's gone too far when we start insulting and labelling others so flagrantly. For the 3 odd years now of being a TF fan again, I'd always avoided American and other forums b/c of the hostile slagging that happened every so often. I think diversity of opinion should be entited as long as it isn't aggressive and insulting. I felt I did not pass that line. I'm sorry if it was felt that I did. However, I do take offense to being referred to as such.

    Thanks to the mods too for dealing with all the trouble a couple of words in my post caused too. Sorry for the inconvenience and time it took up.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    You weren't the cause of the problem STL.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Am I the only one who finds it quite funny people get so hot under the collar about a kids TV show based on a toyline for kids? Just enjoy it for what it is, a childs cartoon, I love cartoons so I have no issue with the kiddy nature of this series!


  7. #17
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    No more off topic posts, please (:

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  8. #18
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    That was my favourite moment of the episode. Unfortunately, it came at the end. I do like the traditional choice of colours too. The more realistic earthy colours don't work for me on the Dinobots. The Shockwave Spotlight had them in realistic alt modes and that just looked fugly.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I am actually fairly pleased at how the Dinobots were designed in both the cartoon and toys. They seem to strike a nice balance between realistic/traditional and stylized character designs. If there is an Animated toy I would buy, it would be Grimlock.

    I have not seen the continuation to the Dinobots story ark in IDW but since Shockwave burned off all of their synthetic pretender/Beast Wars like skin, it is very likely that they will end up with G1 color schemes.

    I still have hopes that the Animated Dinobots will get smarter later on the series based on the synopsis but a lot of it relies on how the writers handle it and how much they want to persist on the 'dumb' aspect of them. I hope that their base of reference for the Dinobots is not exclusively confined to the Sunbow cartoon portrayal but also includes the comics.
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 03:09 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy
    Am I the only one who finds it quite funny people get so hot under the collar about a kids TV show based on a toyline for kids? Just enjoy it for what it is, a childs cartoon, I love cartoons so I have no issue with the kiddy nature of this series!
    Reply to this comment moved here
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 4th February 2008 at 06:45 PM.

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