The final results are in...

The lower house:
(need 76 for a working majority)

Labor - 77 (up 9)
Coalition - 58 (down 17)
Others - 16 (up 8)
(total 151)

The 16 "others" includes 10 Independents (up from 3), 4 Greens (up from 1), and 1 each to Katter and Center Alliance (was Xenaphon's party from South Australia).

The senate:
(need 39 to control the senate)

Coalition - last time 35 - continuing 17 - new 15 - now 32 (down 3)
Labor - last time 26 - continuing 11 - new 15 - now 26 (no change)
Green - last time 9 - continuing 6 - new 6 - now 12 (up 3)
One Nation - last time 2 - continuing 1 - new 1 - now 2 (no change) (thanks to QLD voters it looks like we get pauline hanson in there for another 6 years - at least she won't have as much power now, as she won't be needed to make up a majority by labor - she will still be on various panels and inquiries though)
Jackie Lambie - last time 1 - continuing 1 - new 1 - now 2 (up 1)
United Party - last time 0 - continuing 0 - new 1 - now 1 (up 1) (unfortunately they scraped in with Victoria, so Palmer's party will be around for another 6 years, and will now be getting tax-payer funding for future campaigns, as well as political immunity to say anything untrue if said while in parliament)
Others - last time 3 - continuing 0 - new 1 - now 1 (down 2) (a single independent from the ACT, which is an amazing effort, since the two Territories require almost 3 times the amount of votes to get a senate spot, as there are only 2 senate spots on offer, compared to 6 in each State)

Even if all of the crossbench supported the Coalition in the Senate, Labor and the Greens can block anything they put up... but with Labor in power in the lower house, that would never happen. Labor will still need one more Senator to join them and the Greens to pass legislation from the lower house, so the Greens will have a fair bit of leverage, as they can block everything if they don't get what they want as well.