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Thread: SDCC 2022 day 2 - Friday July 22nd

  1. #11
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Brain of Courage. Turns into a head?

  2. #12
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Brain of Courage. Turns into a head?
    I'm sure others will correct me, however it's more of a face.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    I'm sure others will correct me, however it's more of a face.
    If it's going to be like G1, then yes. The G1 Brainmasters have the same gimmick as the Motorvators that we got here (although Star Sabre was the only Brainmaster that Hasbro never redecoed/released as a Motorvator during G1). "Facemasters" would be a more apt description.

  4. #14
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    Hasbro Pulse's official 'first look' video shows that the Haslab Brainmaster is half the size of a Titans Return Titanmaster, and while this new Brainmaster becomes Saber's face, it requires a manual transformation of the Brainmaster, unlike the (very cool!) auto-conversion gimmick of the G1 toy.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Q View Post
    unlike the (very cool!) auto-conversion gimmick of the G1 toy.
    It was a super-duper cool gimmick when I first encountered it back in the 90s... but alas, my G1 Motorvators' gimmick sometimes gets stuck, and the Energon figures do look kinda daft with a giant face sticking out of their bodies (with a tiny head on top!). Also, the auto-conversion gimmick sacrificed any neck articulation; not that this was a priority for G1 toys.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Also, the auto-conversion gimmick sacrificed any neck articulation; not that this was a priority for G1 toys.
    Hmm, that's interesting. I think the Haslab Saber figure's head is able to rotate, so not sure how they've implemented the Brainmaster figure to work with that. Maybe the whole Brain of Courage rotates in the Saber's chest when Saber's helmet rotates...

  7. #17
    JJJ is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Q View Post
    Hmm, that's interesting. I think the Haslab Saber figure's head is able to rotate, so not sure how they've implemented the Brainmaster figure to work with that. Maybe the whole Brain of Courage rotates in the Saber's chest when Saber's helmet rotates...
    That's exactly what it does. The Brainmaster is inserted into a drum in the chest/neck of Star Sabre, and that drum spins around the Y axis of the bot.

    Personally I would have preferred they scrap the whole silly Brainmaster gimmick (or at least keep it from interfering in bodily movement) and give the head full articulation, but then you would have legions of hardcore fans up in arms.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJJ View Post
    That's exactly what it does. The Brainmaster is inserted into a drum in the chest/neck of Star Sabre, and that drum spins around the Y axis of the bot.

    Personally I would have preferred they scrap the whole silly Brainmaster gimmick (or at least keep it from interfering in bodily movement) and give the head full articulation, but then you would have legions of hardcore fans up in arms.
    Yeah, there's a trade-off between being faithful to the original concept on the one hand, and on the other, having a toy being more susceptible to breakage due to this gimmick and also limiting poseability.

    MP-24 had a compromise transformation scheme for Saber in terms of the Brainmaster gimmick, but i'm not sure what the Japanese fans thought of it. I didn't read many negative comments from non-Japanese fans.

  9. #19
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    Some other interesting bits from the last days of SDCC....

    One of the people from TFW at SDCC asked the Hasbro people at their booth, a number of Transformers questions.
    There are quite a few questions, but a lot of them are just asking things that give the usual "yes, it's possible" answers, without anything specific. (if there was anything specifically revealing, it would have been big news on the fansites by now)

    Q: Could we see High Moon video game figures in Studio Series?
    A: Anything’s possible.

    Q: Likewise, could we see Studio Series expand to include things like off-screen movie toyline characters, TV show characters or comic characters?
    A: Same – anything’s possible.

    Q: Are any generations off limits for Legacy?
    A: No, no limits.

    Q: So, will we see Animated?
    A: Yes! Evan said he saw the rumors about Animated not being available for use, but those rumors are incorrect. They have all rights to all Transformers characters.

    Q: Anything on a new Transformers PC/console game (or Activision re-releases)?
    A: Can’t comment on new game releases, don’t know anything.

    Q: How has Cybertron Metroplex sold so far?
    A: Metroplex did well, just don’t have exact numbers at the moment.

    Q: Do they intend to continue Titans?
    A: Yes, plan is to keep them going.

    Q: Any chance of a new Tidal Wave?
    A: They hear the fans, they KNOW.

    Q: What led to the more open fan interaction via Instagram accounts?
    A: Mark pushed for the Instagram initiative.

    Q: And are they happy with the experience so far?
    A: Yes, really happy with it.

    Q: Are they open to redos of Studio Series characters that have already been done?
    A: He personally would like redos, but not certain as of right now if it’ll actually happen.

    Q: Is Cyberverse a possibility for Legacy?
    A: Yes.

    Q: Do they have any plans for Cyber Planet keys?
    A: May release the keys as a weapons pack.

    Q: How about Minicons?
    A: Once they move more fully into Armada, Minicons are indeed something they’ll have to think about.

    Q: Additional allotments of Velocitron Cosmos?
    A: Walmart can run more if they want more. For Pulse, what they had is what they had.

    Q: Could we see G1-ified versions of the new Dinobots like Scorn?
    A: For a G1 Scorn, would prefer that in Studio Series somehow.

    Q: Next Haslab?
    A: The next TF Haslab is being worked on, but can’t give any dates/details.

    Q: How about Shattered Glass Haslabs, like Unicron or Victory Saber?
    A: IF they wanted to move in that direction, they would probably have to test the waters with something like Shattered Glass Titans first (Omega Supreme was

    Q: A new Cybertron Optimus Prime and Wing Saber?
    A: Thinks it’s totally doable to have Wing Saber attach as a backpack to Siege Cybertron Optimus Prime.

    Q: More Cybertron Titans?
    A: Anything’s possible, but daunting since that’s a lot of Titans. Jokes about Cybertron Titans being the Titans for the next 5 years or so (Starscream, Primus, Quickmix, Menasor, etc).

    Q: As you move further into Unicron Trilogy characters, could we see Powerlinx from Armada/Energon incorporated into their new Legacy figures?
    A: Evan wants it to happen.

    Q: What TF figure would you personally most like to make?
    A: Studio Series 86 Optimus Prime.

    Q: Possibility of the 13 Primes happening as figures?
    A: Mark and Evan talk about doing them all the time, actually. If it happened, The Fallen would be a tank “as expected”.

    Q: Could the Takara Armada OP happen as a Haslab?
    A: Because it’s an Optimus, it hypothetically would never be a Haslab.

    Q: Did the delay of ROTB cause any figures originally planned for 2023 to be shifted to later?
    A: None that he can think of.

    Q: Are they looking into other ways the Takara Armada OP could be released?
    A: He would be mainline for sure if they did him.

    Q: Would it be the same one we saw or an all-new one?
    A: It’s possible it’d be based on the previous one, or it could be a new one, depends on how things work out.

    Q: What weapons pack accessory would you want to happen?
    A: Gut gun for Cheetor.

    Q: How long will Legacy run for?
    A: 3 years. As far as he knows, the current plan is for it to be a trilogy.

    Q: Can we expect to keep seeing non-G1 stuff after that?
    A: Yes.

    Q: You said we’ll see Animated in Legacy, so what is the Animated character you’d most like to do?
    A: Ratchet, Optimus, or Lockdown. Says Ratchet “needed to be done better”.

    Q: Most wanted Beast Machines character?
    A: Vehicons.

    Q: If G1 Megatron was to be done in SS86, how would he be handled? Obviously he probably wouldn’t turn into the gun, so a tank?
    A: More than likely a tank, yes.

    Q: For Earthspark, could we see Voyagers/Leaders in addition to the Deluxes, or could we see Earthspark characters in Generations?
    A: It’s possible, but sticking with Deluxe scale for now. Maybe later down the line.

    Q: For Legacy Animated stuff, would they be in the original style or more G1-ified like the TFP toys?
    A: The latter, however they have heard the stylization feedback about the TFP figures, so they are working on trying to find a better balance regarding G1-ification.

    Q: Could we also see more accurate versions of them and the TFP characters in Studio Series though?
    A: Entirely possible, they’re talking about expanding Studio Series beyond movies.

    Q: What led to them expanding to more non-G1 stuff after the heavy G1 focus in Prime Wars and the first two chapters of WFC?
    A: Designers wanted to bring in the characters, and characters that needed updates, and people were getting tired of the same ones.

    Q: Will Legacy have any kind of story like WFC did? Shows, comics, etc?
    A: Not to his knowledge.

    Q: How about depicting a story through box art or back of the box? Like a connecting story across packaging.
    A: Possible.

    Q: Will Generations Selects be continuing?
    A: Not going anywhere. Any rumors about it stopping are false.

    Q: Most obscure character you’d like to bring in?
    A: Velocity, Javelin, Camiens, Mistress of Flame.

    Q: Is there a possibility of a “Haslab Lite” to introduce specific recolors/retools of the more obscure Transformers characters fans are hoping for at the standard mainline scales (Core/Deluxe/Voyager/Leader)? As in, smaller scale stuff, as opposed to the big “grand” items like Unicron/Victory Saber.
    A: It’d probably just be Generations Selects or Pulse exclusives, but they would like to bring back Fan Votes.
    The link also has them asking questions of one of the license holders - Kotobukiya.

    Also at the Hasbro booth, Peter Cullen featured in a panel, which was posted up on youtube...

    And while on the topic of Peter Cullen... a few weeks ago Paramount Studios in Hollywood had a media-invited event to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the 2007 Movie, with Peter Cullen talking about his first time with Michael Bay auditioning for the role of Optimus Prime, for the Movies.

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