Hi dear fembots and malebots,

After all the hoo-haa about the Animated Jetfire/Jetstorm issue, I just wanted to let everyone know that all of us have sort of "hug and make up". But that wasn't the only thing I wanted to express here.

The thing I wanted to let everyone know is that majority of the OTCA community are INDEED one caring and sharing bunch. And you know why?

Because of the numbers of PMs, SMSes and phone calls of consolation and offering to buy me the 2-Pack and telling me of other TF deals of sort, I'm just so overwhelmed in the last couple of days.

You know who you are and I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU.

It's shows that here in OTCA, it ain't all just about collecting and discussing TFs, it's also about caring and sharing with one another and knowing what comes around goes around.