Shattered Glass Blaster has been found at several EBGames/Zing stores for $70.

This was meant to be released second in mid-September, but since it wasn't listed for pre-order at EBGames (at least, I can't find any record of it), it appears that they released the stock to stores to sell... and they only hold back stock if it had an official release date set by the supplier (as we see on the Amazon Australia listing for SG Blaster, which had it listed for $69, but at one stage it was $61). So if you are wanting one before mid-September, and don't mind paying the extra $9 (if you pre-ordered it at Amazon before the price went back up to $69), best to go to a Zing or EBGames store and have a look, or call up and hope that they know what to look for.

I can't find a listing for it on either site (EB or Zing), so it must be something that they indeed sent to stores without warning, and staff have just put them out on the shelf without even adding it to their website for people to order it online to pickup/deliver.