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Thread: The Soapbox X: A Prime Problem

  1. #11
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    A very enjoyable read and the length is not a problem at all as your brevity is in check in everything I have read in your soapboxes.

    I love Optimus Prime and I believe we all have adored him at some point as he IS a transformers icon.

    It's a tough ask to assess a personality that when it is unbelievably heoric or good that it becomes unrealistic. I always felt that internally he feels it is such a burden to be a leader and to be relentlessly just. But it is what he believes in and honours it without question. A true sign of a leader.

    His animated guise shows a much more younger version of him and it shows a lot more to his side outside of being a leader. From what I've seen of the 2 seasons, he has his own personal issues and struggles outside of being a heroic leader. We see what makes him tick and his potential weaknesses are with each new character (good or bad) that he deals or has contact with. His leadership is constantly questioned and even he questions himself.

    As you said STL, he is the epitomy of an Autobot. As irritatingly perfect he might seem, there is still a simple elegance in his nobility and narrow approach to justice. But that's exactly what he would struggle with anyway. Definately my favorite autobot and why my Optimus Shrine continue to grow.
    Last edited by Stompy; 16th February 2009 at 01:37 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008


    I'm not ashamed to say that Optimus Prime is my favourite Transformer.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    __________________________________________________ _______________

    The Soapbox X: A Prime Problem

    Yet there has always been one criticism of G1 Prime. He’s too perfect. Many view him as a character too boring to follow, a character too good to be true, a character whose perfection limits story possibilities, a character devoid of substance. This Soapbox sets out to unequivocally debunk this view.

    Ive only heard 2 people complain about cartoon Prime, dang comic lovers

    Whos been saying s### about prime? who?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by roller View Post
    Ive only heard 2 people complain about cartoon Prime, dang comic lovers
    The Soapbox doesn't explicitly say it's solely about cartoon Optimus Prime, and STL did use a couple of Dreamwave images. That said, the concept of Prime being flawless would have to originate from the cartoon. As early as within the first few pages of the Marvel Comics, Optimus was already making mistakes - it was him who pressed the button that sent the Ark crashing to Earth. Thus any guilt about bringing the war to the humans was more than justified - it was Prime's fault. And then he died all the time and when he was alive he made mistakes and doubted himself. So I think this Soapbox is only really applicable to cartoon Prime - within the G1 comics, nobody could have thought Optimus was "a character whose perfection limits story possibilities... handles every situation with too much poise, too much certainty... a commander who never makes the wrong choices... a bot who is followed without question..." because - from issue one onwards - he clearly wasn't.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    1.) I'd like to note is I'm making an effort to reduce down the size of the Soapbox as its been brought to my attention it's too long. With that in mind, I'm trying to limit them to two pages in Microsoft Word at most.
    Posting the occasional lengthy posts isn't a problem. Posting a lot of lengthy posts is, and is currently being discouraged/restricted. I don't think any one has a problem with your post lengths.

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