Damn, I can't wait til Monday. Mania is the only PPV I get every year & after finding out what happened on today's Raw, it's gotten me psyched for a big one. How about we have some predictions about

A/ What the results will probably be? &

B/ What the results should be?

Here's the card so far:
Triple Threat for WWE Belt - Orton v HHH v Cena
World Heavyweight Belt - Edge v Taker
Big Show v Mayweather
Flair v Michaels
MITB - Nitro v Punk v Carlito v Shelton v Kennedy v MVP v Jericho

Batista v Umaga
24 Man Battle Royal
Finlay v Bradshaw
Woman's match

We all know Cena, Taker & Mayweather will win. Not sure about Flair v Michaels & MITB (Jeff Hardy was a given before he got done).

But what if Kennedy won the MITB & cashed it in immediately after Cena won the 3-way, Kennedy takes the WWE Title & the place goes wild!

I reckon the best way to do Flair v Michaels would be to have Flair win & at the next PPV, Flair beats Kennedy for the WWE Title. Ric then retires on his own accord, having reached the pinnacle & going out on top. That would be sweet.