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Thread: Insurance & Securing toys - tips, questions and options (browse whole topic)

  1. #31
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Whichever method people wanna go with, try to be consistent within their own method. e.g. Devastator (G1): does he count as 1, 6 or 7? Up to you, but I reckon whichever rule you choose should be applied across the board for all your gestalts, regardless of whether you purchased them individually or in a single box set. Maybe if you keep the box sets sealed... but otherwise if they're opened, I say count 'em all the same way.

    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    If it's for insurance , best to LIST EVERYTHING... while some may be counted as accessoies for a figure - I always counted Sixgun as an accessory figure for Metroplex, if you have him
    Yeah, I suppose for insurance purposes you might want to catalogue them like does... Sixgun, Scamper & Slammer aren't counted separately from Metroplex, but the page on Metroplex clearly lists/documents every accessory that he comes with - those robots, the building bit, the missiles etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    ALthough, I do deviate from UCM to form my own personal counting especially with minicons - most count them as "accessories" but I personally count them as a separate entity altogether cos they dont often need the larger figure anyways - as with the new sets of scout PCCs the basic scout is 1 figure coz even if they dont have the minicon - they're still a basic figure in both modes - mebbe gunless of whatever but still by itself a complete toy you can play with - a plane or a snow plow or a truck.... gunles robot mode but still a full robot. Same with the minicon - it may be a gun, or a drill but then Megatron is a gun and he's counted a s1 figure too. So I count the minicon as a separate entity. BUt this same logic I don't apply to Actionmaster partners.
    UCM counts Mini-Cons separately dude (Article03). As you said, Mini-Cons have independent play value... you take Jetter - on his own he transforms from a robot into a supersonic jet. He doesn't need any other Transformer to be enjoyed with as a Transformer toy. The fact that he can merge with the rest of his team to form the Star Sabre and Powerlink with Autobots/Decepticons is a bonus feature.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCyrusOmega View Post
    I used the UCM to count my toys while at the same time using my own method. I no longer use the UCM though.
    If a Toy has sentience it's counted as 1 as in headmasters (Hasbro - not that I own any) or targetmasters. Drones don't count as 1, only their control bot as in PCC.
    Heh, I used to use the Sentience method too when I was a kid. (back when I maintained a checklist on a Commodore 64, then later a 286 PC (with a VGA monitor! Made me the envy of my friends who were still using CGA and EGA monitors... then my godbrother got a Super VGA monitor and blew my mind away ) *rewinds.tape*

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCyrusOmega View Post
    ROTF Devestator (supreme not legends) count as 1 even though each vehicle has it's own name. They don't have their own robot mode.
    Agreed. You'd have to be pret-ty desperate to jack your collection count up to count those separately IMO. I couldn't be bothered making a poll about that set because there's only 6 of them - and considering that results are rounded to the nearest hundred in the primary poll, it's not really going to affect the results. There are gaps in the UCM like this where stuff slips through - but the numbers are so small that they wouldn't affect poll results anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordCyrusOmega View Post
    For me Headmasters and Targetmasters (and any other of that evolution) always counted as 2 as their partners had their own personality while Targetmasters had their own alt mode that didn't need the main bot like the Power/Headmasters did. Yes they are just a gun but so was Megatron.
    Pretenders count as 1 but Actionmasters count as 2.
    Hmmm... but are Action Master weapons/vehicles sentient though? My understanding has always been that they're not... at best they may have advanced A.I. but aren't actually sentient/self aware (at best they might be like say Jarvis in the Iron Man/Avengers film franchise -- artificially intelligent but not sentient).

  2. #32
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Hey guys. I'm wondering what insurance companies you guys use to insure your collection? I'm after a good price with reasonable terms and conditions. Or do you not insure your collection specially? The cost seems rather high and I kinda feel I'd rather put that money into new TFs.

    The best quote we have on the house and contents is from Comm Bank, but they have the unreasonable condition that I have to find an expert to value my collection and give an official replacement value. I am trying to classify them as toys not collectibles as the info on TFW and Seibertron says to get them classify them as toys.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    11th Aug 2011


    suncorp are good as they will insure it seperately from ur home and contents insurance but it doesnt cost any extra but there is a limit tho im not sure what it's set at.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    This is something that we probably should be noting or announcing from time to time, for the benefit of the newer members and guests.

    As with any valuables, if you have a growing collection, or some pricey pieces, remember to secure them (and your house in general).... and as always, be careful who you let into your house if you don't yet know them, even if they appear to be a fellow fan. Until you trust someone who has access to your house, always secure and watch over your valuables - toys or not.

    A couple years ago there was a news report about a Superman collector in America who let someone into his home, but didn't realise he was just scoping the joint to rob later.
    It doesn't even have to be someone claiming to be a toy collector either, as TV shows like Toy Hunters is educating non-fans into the potential value of vintage toys that people here are collecting. If something is small and publicly known to be valuable, toys, jewellery, electronics or cash, they become a target... so...
    - Document everything you own,
    - Secure it,
    - Restrict or Supervise Access, and
    - Insure it.

    As the catch phrase goes - Be Alert, But Not Alarmed.
    So don't be worrying that your collection is now at risk, but do take the normal precautions you would with anything of value in your home.
    And if you need to meet up with someone new who is buying or selling, prefer meeting at their place or somewhere neutral, or if they do come to your house, keep an eye on them like you would do with any stranger.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    We got robbed about 6 years ago. The perps let themselves in to the TF room, gingerly lifted the TF Movie Bumblebee statuette off the laptop in there, sat it on the floor and nicked the laptop. Rather considerate for a thief

    When the cops investigated they were two young guys who prob spent more time looking at my collection than any kind of detective work. One of them said "You need to get this insured mate - a junkie would trash all of this for the hell of it"

  6. #36
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    How do people go about insuring the collection anyway? Do they just increase their contents insurance or are they specifying it separately?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    If anyone (eg workmen) seems to pay a particular interest in any of them, I've drilled family members to say "Yes it's just such a shame he took them out of the packaging, and didn't keep the boxes. They're a fraction of what they would have been worth "
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    8th Nov 2012
    Beverly Hills, Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by Burn View Post
    How do people go about insuring the collection anyway? Do they just increase their contents insurance or are they specifying it separately?
    Look at your policy and what it says about special collections. Some insurers limit payouts for non-household items and some don't cover them at all. You may be able to add a rider to the policy to specifically insure the collection. You will probably need to get your collection appraised and documented.

    Just talk to your insurer. They'll know more of the specifics and options.
    Any figure that comes with swords demands wrist articulation.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I had my DVD/bluray, videogames and toy collection insured but needed to specify the overall value. eg. Robot toy collection $25000 or videogame collection (400 games). Most policies will only cover set amounts unless specified so make sure you actually tell them you want to insure certain items so you are covered. For example, I know NRMA's standard policy will only cover you for $2500 in jewellery if you dont tell them otherwise. Accordingly, this will increase your premium but atleast if anything does happen, you are covered.
    If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you

    My sales thread: Linky

  10. #40
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    This is why a few months ago here in a discussion I suggested making the collection section of the board only viewable by members. I got shot down though *shrugs*. I mean, if you use a phone (or GPS capable camera) to take photos and then use an image hosting website then amongst all the metadata available to anyone who can view the image is the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken (unless you strip the metadata or turn off the location settings)
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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