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Thread: Movie 'refresher' competition.

  1. #111
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Damn, I discovered this thread waaaay too late!

    Hey Griff - how about double or nothing?

  2. #112
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    There are still 22 questions unanswered or incorrect, and 9 and half hours to go till this closes. I fixed up the numbering of the last two blocks (sorry about that).

  3. #113
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Just to help everyone out:

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin
    Block 1.
    Q1 - How many Autobots land on earth in their 're-entry' form after Bumblebee sends the calling signal?
    Q2 - Which Human also sees Bumblebee's signal?
    Q3 - Which Decepticon infiltrates Air Force One?
    Q4 - What is Sam's username on ebay?
    Q5 (2 points) - What does Sam need for his dad to let him buy his first car?

    Block 2.
    Q1 - What is Sam's (male) school friend's name?
    Q2 - What is the name of Sam's dog?
    Q3 - What is the name of the secret Government Division hunting Transformers?
    Q4 - How many sides does the Allspark Cube have?
    Q5 (2points) - Who is the senior member of Sector 7 in the Movie?

    Block 3
    Q1 - What type of helicopter is Blackout?
    Q2 - The name of the Used Car Yard that Sam finds Bumblebee?
    Q3 - Which Decepticons used Human holograms?
    Q4 - What grade at school was Sam in?
    Q5 (2 points) - How many sailors were on the voyage that found Megatron?

    Block 4
    Q1 - What is the Witwicky family motto?
    Q2 - What did Sector 7 call Megatron?
    Q3 - Where was Captain Witwicky exploring in 1897?
    Q4 - Who does Optimus dismember on the freeway?
    Q5 (3 points) - What is the name of the boy who helps the soldiers in Qatar?

    Block 5
    Q1 - In what country was the US base, that was destroyed by Blackout?
    Q2 - WHo does Sam try to impress?
    Q3 - What is Frenzy's first alt-mode?
    Q4 - What language does Figuroea like speaking?
    Q5 (2 points) - What does Trent want his bunny not to grind?

    Block 6
    Q1 - WHat does Frenzy hack into on Air Force One?
    Q2 - What name does Sam call his Great Great Grandfather at his School presentation?
    Q3 (2 points) - What name does the Sector 7 file call the first 'onsite' individual?
    Q4 - Who is the leader of the AUtobots?
    Q5 (2 points) - What is Mikaela's weakness?

    Block 7
    Q1 - Planet the Autobots came from?
    Q2 - Most effective weapon of the military against the Decepticons?
    Q3 - What artifact are the Autobots and Decepticons looking for, to help locate the All Spark?
    Q4 - What does N.B.E stand for?
    Q5 (3 points) - What date was Megatron found, according to Sector 7?

    Block 8
    Q1 - Name of the Tank Decepticon?
    Q2 - Who is Optimus's first lieutenant?
    Q3 - What Sector 7 Project relates to Megatron?
    Q4 - Name of the City the end battle took place in?
    Q5 (4 points) - What name does Agent Simmons call the short-wave radio?

    Block 9
    Q1 - Name the Decepticon cast.
    Q2 - How many Agents were killed on Air Force One?
    Q3 - Location where Sector 7 kept Megatron and the Cube.
    Q4 - What items did the Cube bring to life in this movie?
    Q5 (2 points) - Who owned the tow-truck that Mikaela used to tow Bumblebee?

    Block 10
    Q1 - Who made the Cube shrink?
    Q2 - What motto is printed on the side of Barricade?
    Q3 - Which Autobot is captured by Sector 7?
    Q4 - Which Cybertronian was repaired by the Cube?
    Q5 (3 points) - In the IMAX version, what does the police officer make Sam watch after being questioned at the station?

    Block 11
    Q1 - Which Decepticon was ejected by Blackout in Qatar?
    Q2 - Who was the Secretary of Defence?
    Q3 - Who is the Autobot's Weapn's Specialist?
    Q4 - What happened to Bumblebee's vocal processor?
    Q5 (2 points) - What is Sam's Happy Time?

    Block 12
    Q1 - Which Decepticons are on the freeway pursuing the Autobots?
    Q2 - Which pocket does Epps keep his wallet?
    Q3 - What magazines does Sam keep under his bed?
    Q4 - What was Frenzy's 2nd Alt-mode?
    Q5 (2 points) - Which Autobot crashed into the swimming pool?
    Q6 - Who is Maggie's hacker friend?
    Q7 (2 points) - what colour pushbike does Sam ride?
    Q8 - Who does Mojo pee on?
    Q9 - Who does Bumblebee 'pee' on?
    Q10 (2 points) - What ebay item number is the glasses?

    Block 13
    Q1 - What was Mojo's injury?
    Q2 (2 points) - What was the name of the NASA probe that made contact with the Decepticons?
    Q3 - Which Autobots fight Devastator?
    Q4 - Who destroys the fountain in Sam's backyard?
    Q5 - What are Sam's Parents names?

    Block 14 (second last block)
    Q1 - WHich Cybertronians were 'shown to be killed off' by the end of the first movie?
    Q2 - How many dogs chase Sam in the train yard?
    Q3 - What is Miles doing when Sam calls him?
    Q4 - What does Barricade transform into?
    Q5 - Which Autobot does Megatron kill in Mission City?
    Q6 - (2 points) How far away is the All Spark from where Optimus reads the code on the glasses?
    Q7 - Freedom is the right of what?
    Q8 - (2 points) What does Carbon Dating put the cube at?
    Q9 - Where were the Decepticon bodies dumped?
    Q10 - What message does Optimus send out to the Autobots throughout the stars?

    Block 15 (final block)
    Q1 - (3 points) What was the name of the soldier who was skewered by Scorponok?
    Q2 - (2 points) Where does Lennox's team land when they return to the States?
    Q3 - (2 points) What refreshments does Agent Simmons offer Sam?
    Q4 - How many Rads does Sam give off at his house when the Sector 7 agents arrive?
    Q5 - WHat conditions does Sam give Simmons and Banachek in exchange for his cooperation?
    Q6 - (6 points) - What does Simmons call US president Bush?
    Q7 - (2 points) What technology has been developed from Megatron?
    Q8 - What was being advertised on the side of the truck Ironhide and Bumblebee were moving for cover?
    Q9 - (4 points) What lab/room number is Bumblebee held captive in?
    Q10 - What store does Lennox get the shortwave radios from?

  4. #114
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Thanks Iceburn that does help

    Scary thing is that these questions show me how little I actually know about the movie compared to TFTM.

  5. #115
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Thanks Iceburn that does help
    i wanna go into more details as to whom had answered which questions but well, if fans want to win or be involved...they can go scroll the pages

  6. #116
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    I will probably be posting up the unanswered/incorrect Qs later tonight as the cut-off draws closer, but yes iceburn, we do need to let those who want to win, try to earn it.
    This competition is still winable by anyone, with there still being a maximum claimable amount of 22 points (if the one person answers all the highest point Qs still available).

  7. #117
    Join Date
    23rd Mar 2009
    Valley Heights


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I will probably be posting up the unanswered/incorrect Qs later tonight as the cut-off draws closer, but yes iceburn, we do need to let those who want to win, try to earn it.
    This competition is still winable by anyone, with there still being a maximum claimable amount of 22 points (if the one person answers all the highest point Qs still available).
    If you notice that you got a question wrong (as you post the questions that are still unanswered or incorrect) can you repost a new answer for that question or another in that block?

  8. #118
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    If you are sure that one of your answers are wrong, you can post another answer to it or any question in that block. I would only be accepting the first correct answer in a block if more than one was posted.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    If you are sure that one of your answers are wrong, you can post another answer to it or any question in that block. I would only be accepting the first correct answer in a block if more than one was posted.
    In that case... Block 14 (second last block)

    Q5 - Which Autobot does Megatron kill in Mission City?


  10. #120
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Sigh! just found this thread, typical

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