My friends were like that all the way up until Year 9. It was weird... for my entire life up till then, I'd been ridiculed for liking toys; even in 1984 when I was in primary school, other primary schoolers would accuse me of being childish... like HELLO? We _are_ children?!? (-_-) Unfortunately my school was full of kids who pretended to be teenagers. Then in Year 9 a few other boys in my year, whom I never knew were comic or toy collectors, started crawling out of the woodwork. Suddenly I had classmates bringing TMNT toys and playing with them in class! And we'd read comics together in the playground!

But before year 9 it was horrible. When I was in year 7 a boy took my Skalor and scratched the paint off his nose. The same kid also tore up my Slog's tech specs card. Grraaaarrrrggghhhh!!

But by Year 12 I was having religious discussions with classmates; with the conversation entirely revolving around Transformers theology!!