So far we haven't really given Devvy much of a challenge... so let's move onto something more... PRIMAL.

(Wow, really? I'm using the same basic pun twice? Sure, why not, Andrew?)

Oooo! Swordy!

Oooo! Blurry!

Uh... Devvy?

That's not a sword Devvy...

Okay, that's closer... but that's still not a sword, Devvy...

Big guy? That's a CLUB.

All right... okay see that is a sword... but that appears to be some random chromed knock-off. Surely you're not going to eat that...

Of... course you are. You dirty bugger.

Now I think it's time for something a little bit more wholesome. Something to give the big guy a bit of a pick-me-up. I mean he's been working pretty damned hard here.

So let's give him a set of swords...


Mmmmm... them's good eating...

Except one of them looks way too ENORMOUS and one of them appears to be a boomerang.

You'll have to do something about that Devvy.



Well, I think that's it. Look at that. I think the big guy's finally full. That's such an insane amount of swords. It's got to be a world record -- no one has ever swallowed that many swords and a random gun all at once!

NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE SEEN... wait... what?

Dude... are you serious? A random sword platter now?

Some of those don't even look anything like swords! I think one of them might be a trombone.

And some kind of red liquorice.

Oh well, at least there's a light saber in there -- that'll keep the Star Wars fans happy.

Still, Devvy was pretty full... can he really swallow that many swords?


(Next time: Sword Swallowing volume 2... SWORDS WHAT ARE ALIVE!)