Posted by Kup:
I have just finished watching Animated. Its okay but that is all, don't expect anything epic or truly exciting about it because it doesn't offer it, at least in this first 'movie length' episode.

The biggest flaw is the animation, particularly when it comes to the Humans and Earth in General. There is no doubt about it, the reason for this animation style is because its cheap. There is nothing artistic about it, just cheap. The human character designs are exceptionally bad and have a 'Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy' feel to them. Overall the episode was okay but fails to produce any sort of geek fan boy reaction.


The plot starts off reasonably well but moving too fast for you to get a sense of the Universe this series takes place in. However after they reach Earth things begin to get boring real quick with their first confrontation with this nanotech monster thing which frankly lasted way too long. Although the Humans were not initially annoying, its very difficult to 'accept' the poor character and animation style, If you can't stomach the Transformer designs you will definitely not stomach the Human's. Only at the end with Starscream's involvement do thing pick up again but its nothing too fulfilling. Sari, the girl looks to be the new Kicker with her Allspark channeling power and although she has not reached Kicker's level of annoyance yet she looks to have the bad potential to do so.

This first episode very clearly sets what the tone of the series will be which is not so much about Autobots and Decepticons on Earth but mainly about a Super hero team saving the City of Detroit with the odd Decepticon showing up every now and then. It is made clear that they will be fulfilling a similar role to a robotic Justice League or something of the sort. Also the whole concept of 'Robots in Disguise' was ditched within the first 4 minutes of them acquiring Earth Alt modes as They were made Public Heroes with ceremonies and all very early on.

This premiere was a bit Mediocre and don't expect much from it based on the limitations that they have already imposed on themselves and since 2 Seasons have already been produced, it is very doubtful that the tone of the series will change since they never allowed for them to study fan reaction to the initial few episodes before working on the next.

Overall, I am neither disappointed nor excited. It is very unlikely that I will be collecting any toys from this series.

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