Just out of sheer curiosity, I wonder what the average aftermarket price for MP Alert is given the recent reissue. I recently acquired a G2 MP Lambor for 5000JPY (AU$63); same condition as the MP Alert being sold here (loose mint in box). I was surprised to see that the aftermarket price for this toy had depreciated from its original RRP of 6500JPY (AU$82). As I said, I paid about $100 for my MISB MP Alert off the aftermarket. But perhaps it's because MP G2 Lambor is essentially just a variant of a main MP toy (MP12) and also based on a less popular* rendition of that character whereas Alert, coming from early G1 (and also featuring in the G1 cartoon) enjoys far greater popularity (and thus demand).

Or is this simply a natural price difference between a mint sealed toy and a loose mint toy? I'm not a sealed collector, but for those who are, would a toy not being mint sealed command a significantly lower price? e.g. working off $100 for a MISB MP Alert then what would be a reasonable price for a LMIB MP Alert?

As you all know I rarely buy anything off the aftermarket, but I must confess that this discussion has piqued my curiosity. Thoughts?

*As awesome as the G2 comics were, we know that it wasn't a strong seller being axed after only 12 issues. And the G2 franchise as a whole was arguably the lowest point in the Transformers brand.