I have a whole pile of Street Fighter comics from the early 90s originally published by Jademan Comics. Anyway, I don't want them no more so if anyone here wants them then you can have them for free. If you need them posted then I'm going to ask you to pay for postage.

For those who may not be familiar with Jademan , they're a Hong Kong comic publisher who specialises in making "Kung Fu" comics. Their Street Fighter comics are not in canon with Capcom's official SF continuity, rather it's set in some weird post-apocalyptic world (2050??) and I don't know how, but characters from other Jademan titles make regular cameo appearances despite being in the future.

This link gives you an idea of what the comics look like:

And this gives a good description of what the story's like:

So yeah... anyone wanna take these off my hands or shall I just chuck them in the recycling bin? :/