Post in this topic if you are currently a member and want others to know about it (I will only include current members who have posted here to authorise being included on the list).
Mention the date it expires, AND, if you are willing to help out others with Club Store orders (at the discounted membership prices).
It will be stickied and updated if anyone posts any changes to their membership... along with an annual reminder around March for people to update their status.
(note - even if you say that you are willing to order from the Club Store, you are not obligated to, and can always reject or re-direct the person requesting your help, to someone else)
The current list:
Ultra Marginal - can order for others
BigTransformerTrev - can order for others (Swan Hill)
griffin (expires March 2015) - can order for others
- WA
Ark-Ivor (expires FEB 2015)
Omega Metro (expires MAY 2015) - can order for others in Perth
- SA
- NT
Remember - trading with anyone here is at your own risk, so I recommend going through a Senior Member if you have a choice.