Another of my favourite snack foods is now off the shopping list - Pringles, joining Shapes after they changed for the worse (no longer a hard cracker & changed flavours)... which is actually a good thing as neither were nutritional in any way.

Pringles have dropped 16 grams (11%), but only dropped 10 cents (2%) at Coles and Woolworths (from $4.10 for the old size of 150g to $4 for the new size of 134g).
On the plus side, both stores are discounting their old stock to $2 or $3 (from $4.10).

I haven't bought the new ones yet, but the tube is smaller, so maybe the chips are smaller, or they fit more snugly in the tube now. Probably smaller chips, as the tube is the same height, so the smaller weight is either from smaller chips or more space at the top of the tube.

A mountain of old stock at a Coles store, at less than half price.

Everything gets downsized or goes up in price to combat inflation... except this - Woolworths' generic brand slow-cooked chips. In April with the rebranding of their "Select" range, their slow-cooked chips went UP from 185g to 200g, but stayed the same price of $2.50.
Pretty much unheard of with food, especially junk or snack foods, and quite impressive for Woolies to not be taking advantage of a size change or pack rebranding (which gets shelved as "new" and can often have new pricing with it).