Member Major_K alerted us to these arriving to a Toyworld in Brisbane yesterday, so I went in this morning to check it out and take some pics. Bought some too...
On the shelves were the PowerCore Combiner 5-packs, as well as the Yellow-packed Scouts and Legends. I spoke to one of the people there, and they also have the Yellow-packed Voyagers (Seaspray, Payload, Night Ops Ratchet) but can't put them out until they have prices from Head Office. This is because prices are different to the red-packed figures (see below). When I told her that these are the first released in Australia (and probably the world), she said that they'd make sure they were out for the weekend. No confirmation on the 2-packs, but if Major_K saw their master cartons as well, then they will be there this weekend too.
Member Christalcase has listed the following prices and figure details:
Yellow Packaging scouts - $17.99 ($1 more than red-packed Scouts)
Hubcap, Backfire (repaint of Reverb), Brimstone, and Crankstart (repaint of the dune buggy)
Yellow Packaging Legends - $7.99 ($1 more than red-packed Legends)
Cyberfire Bumblebee, Fireburst Optimus Prime, Ravage and Rampage
Powercore Combiners - $39.99
Bombshock with Combaticons
Skyburst with Aerialbots
(Update - Legends figures also found at a DJs store, and all figures listed above found at a Victorian Toyworld - 5-packs were $35, 2-packs were $20)
If we have any toyscalpers in Brisbane, these will probably be gone by the end of the weekend, and up on ebay...