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Thread: TF Animated Ep16 - Megatron Rising part 2

  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I concur with STL about the over done song and dance routine transformations - I most noticed it with Megatron... I find most of the transformation sequences in this series are either over done or underdone. I hope this will improve next season.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    I personally didn't like it.

    My largest gripe was Ratchet being apologetic to Sari about losing the key. At first I hoped it was joke but as it wore on, he was actually serious. Ok, this may be a kid's show but would she have survived Lugnut and Blitzwing? I sincerely doubt it. The whole righteous belching and screaming really pissed me off to no end. And, the worst part, she ends up with it again. It took away my enjoyment of most of the episode despite the fact there were very good moments.

    Great moments:
    - Everytime I see the Ark now, my brain screams: Omega Supreme! I WANT!
    - Optimus apologising was inevitable but always good to see.
    - Prowl using BB's attitude to their advantage
    - Bulkhead/Lugnut combat scene
    - Bitzwing: i like the character and variation on the triple changer idea
    - Blackarachnia getting rolled. Though I would've liked to have seen her have a more substantial part
    - The G1 reference w/ the Ark
    - The impending answer to who or what is Sari.
    - Starscream not getting off the hook
    - Most importantly: how the Autobots have their backs to the wall. I've never quite felt intrigued by it as in this series. I've always known the Autobots will triumph in any given story but here I really am kept in suspense of how the Autobots will prevail. They're just so outclassed and outmuscled that it keeps me interested to see how they find an avenue to Victory. Here, they really scraped over the line and I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect of it. It really rallies you behind them.

    Another gripe I had was the whole mighty morphin' power rangers moment when Optimus changes to battlemode and has all those lines and colours blasting around him. It was a small thing though.

    The lack of the Dinobots made me wonder. What was the point of showing them last episode then? Other than to underline Prowl's breach of Prime's orders? Not much.

    MV75 wasn't alone in thinking if Sundac was indeed disabled after the explosion b/c i was asking myself the same question. It was just the way the scene was done and the way Megs said it that suggested it.
    You said it perfectly... I agree with everything you wrote (although I really did like the episode a lot!!!)

    Quote Originally Posted by STL View Post
    Oh, and what was Prowl's one-liner? I can't remember it but I know he said something
    ...It was when he planned to use Bumblebee's "obnoxious personality"!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I concur with STL about the over done song and dance routine transformations - I most noticed it with Megatron... I find most of the transformation sequences in this series are either over done or underdone. I hope this will improve next season.
    i think the takara fans were complaining of not enough over the top transformation sequences
    Wanted items:
    eHobby Orion Pax and Dion

  4. #24
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Really? Who on Earth said that?? I've never heard or seen a Japanese fan call for more over the top transformation sequences.

    Yes, it is something that is typically done in animé and tokusatsu series targetted at infants, but I've NEVER seen an actual Japanese TF collector/fan call for these kinds of transformations. In fact, most Japanese Transfans aren't too huge fans of some of the post-G1 Japanese series. Beast Wars Metals and Beast Wars Returns didn't go well with the fans.

  5. #25
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    28th Dec 2007


    I have just caught up on animated (finally) and I've got to say that Megatron rising parts 1 and 2 were the best episodes yet IMO. Looking forward to more transformer on transformer battles in season 2 and less annoying evil humans.

    As much as everyone likes Prowls one liner (yeas it was pretty funny) I thought it was funnier when Prime said "I couldn't think of a another team of Autobots I'd rather have by my side" and Bumblebee replied with "Really?! Because I'd really like to have the elite guard by my side right now" (or something along those lines, I'm hopeless for direct quotes)

  6. #26
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    Sydney NSW


    yeah, reminds me of Rattrap.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Tober View Post
    And the reason why the Allspark chose Sari as the guardian... as well as what the professer wanted to tell her... hmmm...
    Finally caught up with these episodes yesterday. I think the Professor wanted to confess that he'd help rebuild Megatron and thus responsible for what he thought was going to kill them both. But my first reaction was the Sari's a robot one, however that doesn't match with the visualisation of Sari's DNA that appeared when the Allspark opened and scanned her.

    If you ignore the plothole of how Ratchet unfroze and got to the Ark so quick
    I thought we saw Ratchet break out of the ice and look at his handless arm. He was on his way to the Ark when the Decepticons attacked so I don't think it's surprising he got there quickly. Eitherway it didn't strike me as odd when I watched it.

    I was disappointed the Dinobots didn't participate in the battle, since it looked like the Ark crashed on their island. But maybe next time.

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