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Thread: newstart518 ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010

    Question newstart518 ???

    Stupidly cheap Voyager Animated figures. But these seem very likely to be knock-offs? IDK...

    One one side, they have all the details and a lot of positive feedback (99.5%) but buyers don't mention anything about the items themselves (just a bunch of "Thanks!" "Cool!" "Blah-de blah blah blah."), on the other side they have used photos from the Seibertron gallery instead of taking their own, they have a ridiculous number in stock (about 45-odd each listing)...

    And: "Note: The item wasn't packed by original manufacturer which is a bulk good,in order to reduce the production cost on package.But the quality is the same with which have been.We promise the product is 100% brand-new.If you are perfectionist or collector,please think discreetly before place a bid.Thanks very much for your understanding."

    But yes. They have a few TF figures from the Animated and movie line.

    These are the ones I was looking at though:
    Optimus Prime (The two photos here make the figure look like a really dodgy knock off.)

    Could they be genuine and have bought a whole lot to try to sell at a later date for a profit, and they're now just trying to get rid of figures that no one really wants to buy, hence the price? Or are they total fakes?? :| I'm not really trusting them... Opinions? Does anyone have any experience with this seller?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Those figures are legit, I have that OP and yes his axe does look that cruddy (Deluxe Animated Prime has the best axe) The seller probably did buy a huge bulkload of them and now is trying to get rid of them thus selling them at such a bargain. The seller is considered as a Power Seller which often indicates a competent seller but they don't have 100% positive feedback. Don't know if you frequent eBay much but the way I use it is is that I'm willing to purchase items from sellers with <100% positive feedback IF their negative complaints are ONLY about receiving bad postage packaging or a dent in a box, but if the complaints are about items never being received then I'd be cautious, especially during this exact time of year...

    Good luck with the hunting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    They're not knockoffs and with the exception of the loose Wreck-Gar they're not even that cheap - $20 is the US RRP for Voyagers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Yeah, don't try to compare US$ retail to AU$ retail, as it was always cheaper to import, and the current exchange rate makes it even better right now. So basically, they are still selling them for profit, but converted to AU$, they are well below our retail price.

    The Optimus and Starscream are legit figures, as they are in packaging. Wreck Gar is probably a 'stolen' figure (from the factory before it was boxed up), but still not a KO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    HK Sellers seem to have a LOT of Wreck-Gars for sale. Dunno why.
    I got my boxed Animated Wreck-Gar from a HK seller for aout 30 bucks anfd it's a legit toy. Just not certain if was ever purchased from a store...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Hmm. Looks like I'm going to have to do some late christmas shopping then. X3

    EDIT: I shall report back when I finally buy one of them and recieve it~!
    Last edited by Haphazard; 26th December 2010 at 11:04 PM. Reason: Didn't wanna double-post

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