Thought this might be worth a try.

Sometimes we have things we don't want and instead of selling them, or returning them to the store (which doesn't work with opened stuff), perhaps we could trade them with other members for something of similar value?

For this to work the requests shouldn't be too extravagent and it would be up to the people agreeing to the trade that it's a fair swap. A deluxe from one line for a deluxe from the same line seems fair to me. Wanting a leader in exchange for a legend isn't, but the trades aren't blind so people shouldn't be ripped off. I think in general if someone is listing a trade it should be for something of same, similar or greater value. If I want to swap a leader toy for a legend, and the other party is getting a great deal I can't see a problem.

I imagine it would work best with people trading locally. I'd prefer to trade with just other Melb people (so no dealing with postage etc for instance). Both parties also get the chance to see in person what the other person has got and can decide then and there if they'll go through it with it.

So as example I might post

Who: Paulbot
For trade: AA Tomahawk (loose, complete, as new condition, only transformed once, with instructions and backing card)
Wanted: AA Sidearm Sidewsipe (loose, complete, very good condition)
Where: Melbourne CBD
Someone in Melbourne, with a Sidearm Sideswipe might see it, contacts me, we arrange the trade.
