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Thread: Wanted: Head for TR Skullsmasher (Titan Master Grax)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th Aug 2018
    Allendale North, SA

    Default Wanted: Head for TR Skullsmasher (Titan Master Grax)

    Does anyone have a spare Titan Master Grax by chance?

    Sadly mine got stolen so I've been swapping out other Titan Master heads to compensate but I'd really like the original back.

    Happy to pay reasonable shipping rates as I'm in mid-regional SA.

    Many thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Your story highlights the greatest inherent problem with the Headmaster gimmick -- losing the Headmaster makes everything suck. I know this pain because in 1988 I lent my G1 Snapdragon to a schoolmate who lost Krunk, so my Snapdragon remained headless for years and years until I was finally able to replace Krunk. Headmasters are probably the worst when it comes to binary bonded gimmick (with Motorvators coming a close second). Because with other binary bonded TFs - Targetmasters, Powermasters, Breastmasters etc., losing the binary bonded partner doesn't ruin the core Transformer. It's just means that the core robot is missing an accessory. But with Headmasters they're missing their freakin' heads! The robot mode is buggered! And Headmaster Horrorcons are worse because both their robot and beast modes are buggered. My Snapdragon remained in vehicle mode for over a decade. Yeah, Motorvators are nearly as bad because they're missing their faces, but at least they still have heads. They just look like Ring Wraiths.

    I suspect that it might be highly unlikely that anyone might have a spare unwanted Grax. Perhaps you might consider either:
    • a/ Getting another Skullsmasher and selling off your spare "Transtector" body (someone might want to customise it as Megalligator's body)

    • b/ Buy a similar looking stand-alone Titan Master and repaint it to look like Smullcruncher's head. Maybe Titans Return Fangry?

    Here's a crude digital mock-up I've made just to give you an idea of what you could do. I've cropped TR Fangry in head mode onto Skullcruncher's body and "repainted" the face.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th Aug 2018
    Allendale North, SA


    Thanks Goktimus. I knew it was a long shot.

    I'm not hugely artistically inclined so a repaint's probably out of the questrion.

    Fangry makes a decent stand-in at present but it's just been bugging me for a while. Grax was a decent Titan Master thats for sure!

    Big W are still showing TR Scourge and Skullsmasher as $10 on their website but it's a random assortment option. Maybe I'll just take a stab and hope for the best b/c i'm not really after Scourge but would be a cheap way to get a new figure. Maybe even his hips aren't so loose! .

    And because I can't help myself.....


  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    It's only repainting the face gold.

    I have a TR Fangry that I wouldn't be devastated about parting with if you want to buy it from me. I also already have gold paint so I can just paint the face myself at no extra cost to you. I'm thoroughly against profiting off customised toys, so I'd only charge you for the figure and since I already own a brush and paint I won't charge you any extra for that.

    Shoot me a PM if you're interested.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    10th May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by TaZZerath View Post
    Big W are still showing TR Scourge and Skullsmasher as $10 on their website but it's a random assortment option. Maybe I'll just take a stab and hope for the best b/c i'm not really after Scourge but would be a cheap way to get a new figure. Maybe even his hips aren't so loose!
    I'd put in a pretty decent sized order and return what you don't need. There might even be interest on the board depending on what figures you receive.

    Big W have a pretty good returns policy AFAIK.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    9th Aug 2018
    Allendale North, SA


    Sadly no delivery, its pickup only, and I live nowhere near one

    Back to the drawing board!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    If you're really keen, you could order for pickup at my local big W and I can post it to you. I'll have to open it to make sure it's the right figure, but you should be able to put a note with the purchase asking nicely that you're looking for X particular one, you might get lucky and have the stock picker pay attention and give you the right one.

    I don't know if they will ship them to any store though. I definitely don't have any stock at my two closest big W stores.

    I've just checked their website and both my locals supposedly have stock.

    I'll have a look when I'm in there after work tonight if you like.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    21st May 2015


    $7 plus post and he’s yours pm me if your keen

  9. #9
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I got the best customer service at big W last night.

    I asked about the specific item, it is definitely not on the shelf or in their clearance area. They looked out the back, checked the item number, they have 8 in stock, which sounds like a case to me. that probably got misplaced during the toy sale.

    the nice lady took my name and number and will even have a look in another store in a few days when she's there. they are having a stocktake over the next week so it should turn up

    having said that, I can let her know not to worry about it and you should take up ZoonMaster5000's offer.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  10. #10
    FatalityPitt Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I got the best customer service at big W last night.

    I asked about the specific item, it is definitely not on the shelf or in their clearance area. They looked out the back, checked the item number, they have 8 in stock, which sounds like a case to me. that probably got misplaced during the toy sale.

    the nice lady took my name and number and will even have a look in another store in a few days when she's there. they are having a stocktake over the next week so it should turn up

    having said that, I can let her know not to worry about it and you should take up ZoonMaster5000's offer.
    Didn't think Big W had anymore TR deluxes. I wonder what the odds are that they are wave 2 deluxes. If I could get another Chromedome (and maybe Highbrow) for $10 each or less, I'd probably order a case and return the non-Chromedome/Highbrow figures.

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