I have been assured by the people doing the Sydney leg of the tour, that they will be on display in Sydney for about 2 weeks... so if you are outside of Sydney and want to see these things live, it is probably best to plan travel around the week after March 29th, as I don't trust the "March 27th" date on the Official movie site.
(I really really reeeeeally want to say more about when and where in Sydney, but Paramount don't want the exact details released before the Statues appear in a designated city, as they apparently prefer the "surprise" element on social media.... not that it is a surprise after they have already been shown off online from other locations and their official website has vague tour dates on them.)

We now have images and info from the Brazil leg of the tour, which will be on public display there until April 15th... which definitely proves that there are at least 4 sets of these travelling around the world.