Not sure how many responses this will get as it's a little off-beat, but I was just wondering if anyone else here worries, thinks about, or takes actions to offset the environmental impact of their toy collecting habits?

I mean, obviously at the end of the day we are all addicted to plastic (and metal) which is produced from oil, which isn't exactly limitlessly renewable. We've already seen the impacts of this in terms of increases in price and reductions in size on our toys, but I'm just wondering if anyone thinks about the impact their hobby can have environmentally.

I know there are members on here who do a lot of driving cars around to various different stores, for example. Do any of you take steps such as driving a hybrid or other fuel efficient vehicle, either because of the travelling you do to find TFs or for non-related reasons? Does anyone consider the environmental impact when choosing whether to order online or drive to a store, either as the major or one of many reasons for doing so? What about fans who travel either internationally or domestically for shows and cons?

For my part, I don't drive, so I'm at least partially inured from having to consider that - if I buy locally I have to get the stuff home either by bike or public transport. I'm also very aware that virtually every part of most TF packaging is recyclable, so I try to make sure it all goes in the recycling as much as possible. But I do have to admit none of that has ever been a major consideration for me before I started thinking about it this morning.

What about the rest of the board? Is it something any of you guys consider, and if it is, do you do anything else to offset the impact of your hobby than what I've mentioned above?