Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
Looking for some advice/experience in regards to selling Lego second hand

I've got two set I'd like to sell. One is very big and although it came in a very large box, the completed model won't fit in the box it came with.

Do second hand sellers want a complete model though? Or do they want to buy a model in pieces again? It's a very awkward model to transport around a house let along in a car.

Should I try to disassemble it into some large components? Or completely into sepearate numbered bags (close to the original order as I can)?

It should be complete but it was missing one or two very small pieces is that an outrage? Even if I flag it? If I photograph it well and point out where I think a piece or two might be missing would that help a seller?

I'm not looking for profit or wanting to get my money back, but I think I should be able to get some money for it given how much it sells for at retail.
Selling used Lego is an absolute pain in the butterflies. I sold a heap about a year ago with mixed results. I sold a COMPLETE Big Ben on Ebay. Dismantled it and bagged it all by colour. Buyer reckoned half of it was missing which was completely untrue. So I avoid Ebay now. People can be really fussy with even a tiny amount of missing pieces. I have sold built Modulars and a Super Star Destroyer on Facebook pretty cheaply as I just wanted them gone and I could not be bothered to dismantle them. Sole reason I don’t buy and build Lego anymore. But it all depends on what sets you are selling as some are in high demand and others can be worthless junk that you may as well just keep. Hard to tell if a buyer prefers it in pieces or built to be honest. But if the price is right.