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Thread: POTP toyline - quick comments, poses, group pics and action shots

  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th May 2007

    Default POTP toyline - quick comments, poses, group pics and action shots

    For those who want to post up a quick comment about one or more of the Power of the Prime toys, or show off some poses, group shots or
    comparisons... especially if you just obtained multiple toys at the one time and want to impulsively talk about them all (without the hassle of
    searching for the different review or creative topics)... drop your comments and photos in here.

    Some examples...

    My POTP shelf so far (all from Amazon... missing 5... will wait for a sale here or for the Leaders to show up on Amazon)

    Some old and new comparisons.

    I love the way the Pretender Shells are coloured and sculpted to homage the Original Series Shells from the 1980s. (photo from the December Hasbro event, using some of my toys)

    Beachcomber - 1985 Gen1, 2009 Universe, 2018 POTP.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    For those who want to show off some group shots... especially if you just obtained multiple toys at the one time
    Ok, here ya go:

    I also got Skrapnel and another Optimus but they are in the 'future X'Mass presents for my son' box

  3. #3
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Ok, here ya go:

    I also got Skrapnel and another Optimus but they are in the 'future X'Mass presents for my son' box
    Your missing one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by G1Optimal View Post
    Your missing one.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    I also got Skrapnel and another Optimus but they are in the 'future X'Mass presents for my son' box

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Saw POTP toys for the first time today and have some general first impressions:

    • Rodimus Prime is bigger than I expected but a bit plastic-y looking
    • Starscream is smaller than I expected and the foil stickers are a turn off
    • Slash is also smaller than I'd like, but looks great in robot mode
    • Beachcomber seems quite big compared to Shrapnel and particularly Slash
    • Dreadwind looks okay but the lack of jet on his chest does feel off, the weird leg bend to fit him in the bubble doesn't help much
    • Slag and Swoop look good, but the back of their boxes looked weirdly faded to me.
    • Cloudburst, Skullgrin and Metalhawk look alright but couldn't really see the value in getting them for myself

    So for me at the moment I'm looking forward to my preorders of the deluxes and legends, but am less keen on the other sizes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post

  7. #7
    Join Date
    19th Oct 2014


    So I’ve got the Dinobots, Jazz, Dreadwind and Beachcomber, along with the prime masters currently available from W1. I've checked out the leaders, but can’t quite justify the cost for the trade offs in design yet.

    Dreadwind - apart from one wing not tabbing in properly, I like the slightly new take on the first CW deluxe I opened back in the day - new shoulders and wing locations break the silhouette and the new chestpiece helps hide the combined peg a little.

    Jazz - I’m kinda disappointed, hip joints are loose, and there’s hardly proper support for the entire front/top section in limb modes. Car mode is pretty sweet.

    Slug - screams Dinobot to me, combiner peg well hidden by alt-mode jaw, solid, chunky legs from the back half of the dino and solid limb modes.

    Swoop - had high hopes for this guy as I always loved the character as a kid, and mostly delivers. Doesn’t have to have the “prime armour” on his chest, can fit it on his back to bulk him out a little. Due to design, is a rather slim limb mode, though folding his wings in helps, but there’s some flex in his hips in foot mode that can affect stability of the whole combined, so arm mode is the safest.

    Slash - awesome bot design, fits perfectly as a Dinobot, but obvious leg chest in Dino mode.

    Beachcomber - the classics-verse version of this character I’ve been waiting for. xMaster support in no way affects him adversely, just waiting on the Takara Golden Lagoon exclusive version.

    Grimlock - almost great. That TRex head is perfect, the rest less so. Biggest concern is his golden chest in bot mode - just a little too beefy and squared off. Affects Dino mode too as his legs there look a little too widely spaced, and his bot mode legs are just a little too short, probably to keep the combiner height down to a more consistent level with the other CW teams. However, still the best classics-verse Grimlock I’ve seen, and better than I’d hoped to get.

    Overall, I like the return to the combiner design - the new hand/foot accessories are a big improvement, and I like that they’re trying new things with designs rather than the same tired old CW bots with obvious chest combiner pegs, but there’s still some room for improvement as always

    Still not a fan of legends class figures NOT coming with weapons, which has been an issue for me since CW started

  8. #8
    Join Date
    14th Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by prjkt View Post

    Still not a fan of legends class figures NOT coming with weapons, which has been an issue for me since CW started
    Agreed, but the clear/colour inserts from the Prime Armour/Hands work great as little 'energy' blasters imho

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Looking at the mixed deluxes in the pic Griffin posted, it does seem a shame that the POTP deluxes aren't Headmasters. These new ones have cross compatibility with the deluxe/voyagers long off the shelf, instead of the ones still on the racks. Would have thought it better for the third series to be both combiners and headmasters, really wrapping up the trilogy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    So the pretenders are now decoy suits which are the cybetronian and the prime master hides inside like a parasite?

    That is some next level body horror right there

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