The facebook page of a Hong Kong collectables store has revealed some December items for Japan, which includes the next Encore toy and a surprise 8th wave of Power of the Primes toys.

The next Encore toy will be Unicron from Micron Legend (Armada for Hasbro), for about 20,000 yen.

And for the 8th wave of POTP toys in Japan, there will be two of the upcoming Hasbro store exclusive toys - PP-41 Wreckgar (about 2,800 yen) and PP-42 Nemesis Prime (about 8,000 yen).
That should make it a little easier for us to get those two, if the Hasbro versions are not released in Australia (because they are expected to be exclusive to Walmart and Amazon in America), as these should end up being listed on sites like HLJ, and should be identical to the Hasbro versions.