I did this up for the Brisbane Boxing day meet, with Botbots toys as prizes... but since no one showed up, I didn't want to waste it. (no Botbots as prizes for this though )

There are two parts - Easy and Hard - and the answers are in the second post, so don't look before you post up your answers... and see how well you did.
They all relate to the Bumblebee Movie - so don't try to include details that are applicable to the other movies.

1 - Bumblebee's original name/designation on Cybertron?
2 - What year did Bumblebee crash on Earth in this movie?
3 - In order, what were Bumblebee's vehicle forms in this movie?
4 - What were the names of the Decepticons who came to Earth in this Movie, and their vehicle modes?
5 - What is Charlie's Mum's occupation?
6 - What is name of Charlie's Mum's new boyfriend/partner/husband?
7 - What is Charlie's age when we first see her in the Movie?
8 - What Movie does Bumblebee watch in the garage, and likes?
9 - What is the name of the guy trying to introduce himself to Charlie?
10 - What is the name of the Charlie's Brother?
11 - What is the TV show that the family are watching when Charlie gives up on her dad's car?
12 - What two things were being thrown at the "mean girl's" house & car?
13 - Who is ejected from Soundwave on Cybertron, to attack Optimus?
14 - What song does Bumblebee play on his radio while at the cliff dive spot to encourage Charlie to jump?
15 - What is the order of Decepticon deaths on Earth in this Movie, and how did each die?
16 - Name five Autobots seen on Cybertron.
17 - Who is being tortured and executed on one of Saturn's moons?
18 - How many Humans were blasted into a pile of goo?
19 - What Rick Astley song is played briefly before Bumblebee ejects it?
20 - What is the name of the military organisation that tries to hunt down Bumblebee?

1 - How many times is Danny shot by Agent Burns' paintball gun, after he is hanging from the tree?
2 - What is Charlie's Mum's name?
3 - What is Charlie's Uncle's name?
4 - What is the dog's name?
5 - What song (and artist) is playing while Charlie is first working on Bumblebee in the scrapyard?
6 - Name two more Autobots that were seen on Cybertron, not already noted for Q 16 of the Easy section.
7 - What are the names of the redneck couple, who witnessed two Decepticons crashing to Earth?
8 - Who is the scientist wanting to work with the Decepticons?
9 - What is the name of Charlie's classmate who challenges her to a dive off the cliff, and whom she spilt drinks on earlier?
10 - What is his girlfriend's name?
11 - What does her number plate say?
12 - What is the name of the town that Charlie lives in?
13 - What did the partner/husband of Charlie's Mum steal as a Teenager?
14 - What is the quote from Weight Watchers that Charlie's new friend tells her, to cheer her up?
15 - What TV show theme-song briefly plays in the transmission that Bumblebee sends out, that Cliffjumper picks up?

REMEMBER - don't read or quote the next post, as it has the answers. Answer this first post with your answers (quote it if you need to, so that you don't have to keep scrolling back and forth), and then see how many you got right (you can then post up your resulting score if you want, after you check your answers).