Studio Series 86...
Voyager - Hotrod & Scourge.
Deluxe - Jazz, Kup, & Blurr.
When the Voyagers were found at a couple of Toyworlds in Victoria last week, it was assumed to be another case of Toyworld releasing toys too early, but today they were being found at Kmart stores in Victoria, along with the Deluxe wave as well... so it looks like this next wave of Studio Series toys, featuring characters from the 1986 Transformers Movie, are indeed being released early in Australia (before any other country), to cash in on Christmas.

Fingers crossed we see these at more stores around the country, and the Leader pack (Grimlock with Wheelie) as well.

(photos here from the Allspark fansite and TCCA)

NOTE - these are still part of the regular Studio Series toyline, so they should show up at stores that already stock Studio Series toys, at the same pricing (if they haven't recently changed any of their prices).