Studio Series Coronation Starscream
Series - Generations
Sub-line - Studio Series
Size/class - Leader
New/remould/redeco - Partial retool/redeco of Earthrise Starscream
Wave - 8
Released here - FEB 2022
Approximate Retail Price - AU $89
Approximate Size - Whatever Earthrise Starscream's size was
Allegiance - Decepticon
Alt-mode - F-15 Eagle
Main Features/Gimmicks - Same as Earthrise Starscream
Main Colours - Grey, red, blue
Main Accessories - 2x null ray Cannons PLUS 2 null-rays (Coronation), cape, crown, throne, "All Hail Starscream" backdrop

Robot Mode
As he is a slight retool/redeco of Earthrise Starscream, there isn't a lot to say about the Robot Mode that hasn't been said already. The biggest difference is his hands, which can now open and close. He can still hold on to weapons with a 5mm port, but it's a bit more loose. Outside of that he has some slight deco changes (lacking some paint applications but adding others, and using different shades of certain colours), and some pins have been replaced with screws.
But what is the main attraction to this figure are the accessories he now comes with. While he still does come with his regular null ray cannons, he now comes with special null rays that attach to his shoulders, a crown that fits on his head, and a cape that attaches to his back. This makes him the first non-masterpiece Starscream toy to be based off his Coronation (yeah there's a few other Starscream toys that have his crown, but lack his cape or coronation pads, and this is obviously excluding all the merchandise that has a non-transforming toy based off his coronation).
With his new hands he is able to do the classic Coronation pose and, well that's pretty much it.
Another accessory that is included is his throne, which is based off the nemesis command chair. While Starscream can just barely sit on it (without his cape mind you), Siege Megatron fits just fine.
If you're not using any of Starscreams accesories, you can store them at the back of his throne. I don't know if there's a spot where the crown is meant to be, but I usually just put him in the back behind the cape.

Alt Mode
Yeah, he still transforms into an F-15 Eagle. Outside of what I mentioned about the robot mode with a slight deco change, it's pretty much the same as his Earthrise toy.

With this being nothing more than an upgrade/accessory pack of Earthrise Starscream, you get what you expect here. Recommended only if you're someone who wants a King Starscream. If you want a regular Starscream, I recommend tracking down the Earthrise toy.