Having gone through a major insurance claim last year I have some idea here, the Insurance company pretty much just rolled with what I gave as an example of replacement value, so in the case of a G1 collection if you have some up to date photos of what you lost and use e-bay sold pricing as a market value guide they would most likely go with that. I was really surprised how they didn't question my comparable items for a new bunk bed, picture frames, computer desk etc, I put in a fair bit of time and effort with the details I used, pictures, various stores and comparing old to new etc.
My insurance for contents is set up so that if the entire house burnt to the ground then that would cover everything inside it. Some companies want separate bits in the policy for jewelry or collections, and yes I may be in a spot of bother if my collection were stolen, but I am comfortable in knowing my house is extremely secure, the room the collection is in is one of the most cyclone resistant in the house and I know with a total loss claim the amount covered is right.
I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)