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Thread: The Official OTCA Energon Pub (aka Cyber Slammer) - Now Open

  1. #1
    Megatron Guest

    Default The Official OTCA Energon Pub (aka Cyber Slammer) - Now Open

    Okaaay so... I'm hoping to eventually get my RPG going here (at some stage, eventually, once I can get a minimum number of serious players), and I figured that some of you who would otherwise be interested (and have the available time to post regularly), may be a little reluctant to get involved because:

    • you are new to forum/online RPGing, or
    • you don't feel confident enough in handling characters and/or following shared story scripts

    or both.

    Well... if you're feeling bored, lonely, need someone to chat to (or beat up), or would just like to try out your role playing skills in a casual manner, then I welcome you to the Cyber Slammer, OTCA's very own Energon Pub - Open 24/7.

    Here are the Pub Rules:

    • No swearing
    • No stealing
    • No fighting
    • No money? No energon.
    • No Autobots allowed - j/k.

    Here are the Thread Rules:

    -*Anyone is welcome, but you MUST play in character.
    - OCs (Original Characters) are allowed.
    - The Pub Rules were meant to be broken.
    And that's it. Have fun.

    *This is the only rule you really need to follow.

    (I shall be role playing as my chosen RPG characters.)


    While discussing their latest plans for World Domination amongst themselves over some drinks at the Cyber Slammer,
    Megatron and his Decepticons were alerted to a sudden commotion by the entrance. They stopped what they were doing to see who had just walked in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    22nd Aug 2010
    Covington KY

    Default RP Hunters

    The RPG does interest me, having about a decade of RPing under my belt so far. If this does go ahead, then may I request playing out as Airazor, Blastcharge Strika and/or Hubcap?

  3. #3
    Megatron Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Agnew View Post
    The RPG does interest me, having about a decade of RPing under my belt so far. If this does go ahead, then may I request playing out as Airazor, Blastcharge Strika and/or Hubcap?
    Well then, you good sir are more than welcome to be a part of the RPG.

    I'll reserve those characters for you now. In the meantime, please feel free to post their tech specs and profiles in the EOI thread anytime.

    Now we only need another 2 serious players, minimum. Then I'd be happy to start.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    So how does it work mate? I've never done forum RPG'ing before. Is it esentially a storyline that we all contribute to in character and gets made up as we go along? And do we talk 'as' our characters or in the 3rd person or both?

  5. #5
    Megatron Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    So how does it work mate? I've never done forum RPG'ing before. Is it esentially a storyline that we all contribute to in character and gets made up as we go along?
    It depends. They're all different - some of them are more structured than others and will have a predefined storyline that everyone has to follow, whilst others can be completely spontaneous and made up by everyone as it progresses. I think that if we (the players) all get along really well and can understand and follow the basic rules, then spontaneous works well. On the other hand, a strict setup is usually required if the quality of the postings (and the players) are going to be an issue, such as on large forums where anyone can just sign up and start posting. In this case, bad players can quickly be sorted from the good ones and kicked out of the game.

    Personally I prefer a large degree of spontaneity, but with a rough guideline so that the story doesn't turn silly, and always remains goal oriented (for example, working towards various set missions).

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    And do we talk 'as' our characters or in the 3rd person or both?
    Both. You basically talk as your characters (usually by placing what they say in quotation marks to make it clear), as well as narrate in the third person. It's just like writing a story or fan fic, but you can only control what happens to your own characters. There are exceptions, of course.

    This thread is the place to jump in and just try it out if you want to. So feel free to pick your character/s and start a story - any story you like. For example, I started by creating a setting in the Energon Pub (see the end of my first post). All you need to do is Quote that part of my post (so the story flow is easy to see) and continue the scenario by introducing your own characters and progressing what happens next - just like writing the next paragraph in a story. There's no script for this thread, and no need for profiles or tech specs. It's just meant to be a bit of fun whilst trying out some RPGing at the same time. Then, if you think you might like to try out a proper RPG, that's when you will need to create profiles and tech specs for your characters, etc.
    Last edited by Megatron; 9th October 2013 at 07:08 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatron View Post

    While discussing their latest plans for World Domination amongst themselves over some drinks at the Cyber Slammer,
    Megatron and his Decepticons were alerted to a sudden commotion by the entrance. They stopped what they were doing to see who had just walked in.

    The BouncerBot from out front flew back through the front door, taking it off its hinges as he crashed into the opposing wall.

    In strode a large imposing mech, who’s grin was almost as large as the giant two-headed battle axe he held lazily in his left hand. His right arm was wrapped around a femmebot who looked like she had her chestplate enhanced one too many times and giggled as she hung off him like a scraplet, the feet at the end of her long legs barely touching the ground.

    The Mech himself was easily a head taller than Megatron, with facial plates that made him look like he was a Junkion but no Junkion was built like this. Huge tank tracks hung from the backs of his calves, large spikes protruded from both shoulders and big horns stuck up from either side of his head. Two shoulder mounted Gatling guns were in the rest position, sticking up from the back of his shoulders, but looked like any second they may come down into the firing position to clear a spot at the bar. No insignia was visible but this was clearly no Autobot. Any more evidence needed for this was provided by the belt he wore around his waist which held a oversized photon pistol on one hip and a giant machete on the other, upon closer inspection the belt turned out to be 5 removed faceplates from a Quintesson, with the face of death sitting at the front like a macabre sporran.

    "Ho Landlord!” he bellowed happily and boisterously “A round of Energon for all these miserable curs! Strongest stuff you’ve got! Hunting has been good for BigAngryTron!” With that he threw a sack across the room that burst as it landed on the bar, spewing illegal and valuable Nucleon Enerchips over the barmans feet.

  7. #7
    Megatron Guest


    "'Big-Angry-Tron?'" Starscream exclaimed, rising from his seat as he spoke to the others in his group. "Megatron, did you hear that? That imposter is making fun of you! We should go over there right now and show him who is boss around here -"

    "Wait, Starscream," the Decepticon leader interrupted the seeker before the situation could get out of hand. "We should learn more about this... stranger first. He may be useful to us. Let's see if he has any brains to go with all that brawn..." Megatron replied, as he stood up and began to make his way over to the big bot. Starscream and Shockwave did the same, whilst Soundwave followed last as he stepped over the offlined BouncerBot.

    "But Megatron... he's built like an oversized Junkion warship without a central computer. What possible use could an Autobot like that be to us?" Strarscream's expression turned to one of mild shock, then disgust, as he inspected the newcomer in closer detail. "And that tramp -"

    "Autobot? I don't see an Autobot insignia on his chassis, do you?" Megatron replied, then turned back towards the scene in front of them before his second-in-command could say anything more. He surveyed the Nucleon Enerchips with interest, and then acknowledged the generous free round of Energon that the bartender now hastily prepared whilst purposefully keeping his head lowered in nervous anticipation. "Where do you hail from, stranger, and what is your business here?" Megatron demanded to know of the large mech.


    *OOC: LMAO. Wow BigAngryTron, you're a natural at this! And you've just entered a whole new level of awesome.
    *This means Out Of Character and is used when you want to say something outside of your RPing.
    Last edited by Megatron; 10th October 2013 at 12:20 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatron View Post
    "Where do you hail from, stranger, and what is your business here?" Megatron demanded to know of the large mech.
    BigAngryTron looked at the four Mechs that had approached him. Though all 4 were smaller than he, they were obviously powerhouses compared to most mechs that he encountered in his travels. As such, as much to maintain his good humor as anything, he didn’t bridle at the question that had seemed like a demand coming from their obvious leader. If the grey mech continued to demand instead of question however... well... a good fight would be most welcome indeed!

    “My business?” said BigAngryTron as he magnatized his battle axe to the side of his leg and accepted a tankard of Energon that a Micromaster could swim in “Why, to spend my spoils on drink and women!” he laughed as he thrust his mug into the air and pulled his femme companion close, who dutifully tittered and placed a caressing hand on his chestplate. “Why else would one visit a backwater planet like this? As to where I come from – why, from wherever the plunder is rich! “ he laughed again and drained his drink in one long, huge gulp, slamming it on the bar and beconning for another.

    He looked at the four Mechs again, more appraisingly this time “Why do you want to know, ‘Mech-who-asks-questions-of-BigAngryTron’?“

    *Cheers mate I enjoy a good bit of story-telling My wife is constantly at me to restart the book I started writing 5 years ago and never finished (probably because I saw a bright shiny object )

  9. #9
    Megatron Guest


    "This 'backwater planet' is Cybertron, and I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons," Megatron replied, "and all that you see here on Cybertron, is my business." He motioned towards the Cyber Slammer entrance as he said this, to all that lay beyond. Pausing a moment, he couldn't help but notice the way that the mech's companion hung onto her hero's every word, or the way he downed his energon as if it were of no consequence at all. "However, if drink and femmes are all that you desire, then perhaps we can come to some kind of an arrangement."

    OOC: That's interesting! What kind of book is it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    [QUOTE=Megatron;378559]"This 'backwater planet' is Cybertron, and I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons," Megatron replied, "and all that you see here on Cybertron, is my business." He motioned towards the Cyber Slammer entrance as he said this, to all that lay beyond. Pausing a moment, he couldn't help but notice the way that the mech's companion hung onto her hero's every word, or the way he downed his energon as if it were of no consequence at all. "However, if drink and femmes are all that you desire, then perhaps we can come to some kind of an arrangement."


    “Cybertron?! Ha! BigAngryTron’s spark was born on Cybertron! I did not recognize the place! Much has changed since BigAngryTron was here last! Dirty now! Smelly! More fun!” BigAngryTron boomed jovially and clapped Megatron on the back. He reached down, grabbed a helpless Mech by the shoulder that was unlucky enough to be sitting on the table nearest them and desperately trying to mind his own business, and flung the poor bot over his shoulder. “Come! Sit! We drink to Cybertron!”

    BigAngryTron took the now vacated seat as the other tables patrons hurriedly departed, and parked his female companion on his thigh. The bartender brought the next tankard of Energon and sat it before him, as well as a smaller glass that was taken by his purring companion, who had not seemed perturbed by Megatron’s suggestion of other femmebots but rather just smug and happy to be sat in her champions lap. “Sit! Please!” said BigAngryTron to the Decepticons again “Tell BigAngryTron what has happened to his home, and why you offer BigAngryTron things he can have more fun getting on his own”.

    *OCC: Long story, best I just one day finish it so you can read it

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