I liked The Amazing Spider-Man but I didn't love it.

Mild spoilers ahead, bigger ones hidden.

It felt like I was watching a movie based on Ultimate Spider-Man, while the other trilogy was based on Spider-Man. And I love Ultimate Spider-Man. (As an example in particular the Lizard's style and appearance, and his assault on the school, was very reminiscent of the Goblin's attack on the school in the first Ultimate SM arc.)

Some things I really liked:
*I thought there was a better sense of scale everytime Spidey was swinging in the city than I ever got in the previous trilogy.
*Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy was great
*The way that Peter developed his skill with his powers selfishly, by trying to hunt down one crook, taunting Flash etc, rather than suddenly becoming a crimefighter after one night. It seemed a more believable arc and different to all the other tellings of Spidey's origin.
*The cameo scene. You know the one.

Some things I didn't like
*I like Gwen Stacy, so I have a horrible thought that the third movie could be very sad (if the filmmakers are very game and take that risk).
*No Daily Bugle scenes. Even though they had that scene with Peter trying to take photographs of the Lizard, it doesn't quite feel like a Spider-Man story without the Bugle.
*The workers of New York lining up the cranes. I didn't think Spider-Man had done enough to earn the city's respect that all those people would want to help him. Sure the Dad would want to help him, but all the others? Similarly the Lizard didn't seem to have done enough to be the threat the city needed to rally around Spider-Man. Panic from a bio-terrorism scare, sure, but enough to suddenly be cheering for the vigilante? It seemed a bit rushed.

Oh and the 3D? Not really worth it.