A CD version of the Music Score from the Bumblebee Movie has finally been produced and available for sale from the same source that did most of the Movie CDs - Lalaland.
This one is a single disc, with 24 tracks, totalling 57 minutes, for us$20 (plus postage - they ship to Australia, which for me was us$14.50). The product page has some sample tracks to listen to.
It is limited to 2000 units.
The last one they did was a 2-disc Music Score to the Last Knight movie, of 3000 units, which is still available, for anyone wanting one to buy with the Bumblebee CD.

Cover image is below, while some additional images from the included booklet can be seen here.

What's a CD, some of our younger viewers may ask...

Okay, maybe not... but I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of you are saying that it is an obsolete medium, that most retailers in Australia no longer sell, and would prefer to just buy a digital copy (or at least a USB stick physical release).
Well, this is for those like me, who prefer to have something physical to show for the money spent on their collection... and wanting to have a legal copy that I can keep forever (unlike some digital versions of audio-visual media that have to be re-bought with newer devices or the copy you bought only exists for as long as the host has a copy on file, or the host shuts down completely).