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Thread: MV75 watches Beast Wars

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy
    THATS IT! outside, NOW!

    Let Claw-Plagh begin!

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  2. #22
    MV75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    ...that wasn't my point. I was saying that a Transformer's alt mode has multiple purposes beyond just being a disguise. (-_-)
    Yes, I originally insinuated flat out said that. You missed it.

    That wasn't my point and you know it.
    No I don't, I don't know what your point was then. I'm saying the toys were from the 90's, and you say 1996, where is the freaking difference?!!?!?!?!?

    You never said anything like that before. You said, "Yea, all fine and good for the 90's, but I've come to expect more now." and you've also said "Anyway, yea, they were fine for their day if you were a collector then. I'm collecting now and they are absolutly horrible by the standards I expect today."- essentially saying that you're not interested in Beast Wars toys because you don't think that they're good enough by contemporary standards.

    So according to this logic you would not be able to collect G1 toys now since they're a LOT worse compared to Beast Wars Transformers. Unlike G1 Transformers BW Transformers are still:
    + Fully articulated in robot mode
    + Relatively quite durable and hardy
    + Have detailed sculpting and paint applications making the use of stickers just laughable

    And that was never my point. See above.

    I'm not trying to make you a fan of the toys or anything, but if you're going to say that you don't find Beast Wars Transformers appealing as a collector because they don't hold up to contemporary standards, then logically it should mean that G1 TF toys should be even more abhorrent to you considering that by overall comparison G1 TFs are:
    + Relatively unarticulated in robot mode
    + Much more susceptible to breakage
    + Have relatively less detailed sculpting and paint applications relying on stickers to decorate the toys which looks cheap by contemporary standards.

    As for the whole beast TFs vs vehicle TFs... well, wait until you get to Beast Machines where vehicular Transformers actively persecute beast TFs and are waging a war to ethnically cleanse Cybertron of the "racial impurity" of beast TFs <--SPOILERS
    Yes, yes you are trying to force it upon me, either that or having a self rightous rant on how much better the toys are than g1 toys. You tell me. Remember, you set up the whole G1 toy comparison.

    I think I have to literally elaborate even further, I keep forgetting your lack of lateral thinking, don't make me bullet point it:

    G1 is your issue, it's a non-issue to me and shouldn't have even have been brought up by you. Now remember, I was a G1 fan from back in the day, now remember that and read on;

    What you're missing here is that I'm not a beast wars collector, if I was, then I'd be a new beast wars collector. New as in today, the date of the 17th of October 2008.

    Now see where this is going?

    Now, If I were interested in collecting the merchandise, I'm now comparing it to what I expect from a current new series, and in comparison, BW toys fall very short. I don't give a crap on how much better they were compared to previous series. Next we do some extra math in the realm of addition, and add my comment of Yea, all fine and good for the 90's, but I've come to expect more now. Now keep remembering todays date, it's 12 years in the future from 1996, toys are better, you even said that yourself about the cybertron prime/megatron, yes THE TOYS ARE BETTER TODAY, and yes, I am comparing them to today.

    Also don't forget what else I said: As for the G1 comparison, that's a clouded judgement by the fact that beast wars is still beasts, I don't want meat beast toys. You're assuming that I suddenly totally like the beasts that I previously didn't, no, that hasn't changed
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  3. #23
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    *ignores flamebaits*

    Quote Originally Posted by MV75
    Now, If I were interested in collecting the merchandise, I'm now comparing it to what I expect from a current new series, and in comparison, BW toys fall very short. I don't give a crap on how much better they were compared to previous series. Next we do some extra math in the realm of addition, and add my comment of Yea, all fine and good for the 90's, but I've come to expect more now. Now keep remembering todays date, it's 12 years in the future from 1996, toys are better, you even said that yourself about the cybertron prime/megatron, yes THE TOYS ARE BETTER TODAY, and yes, I am comparing them to today.

    i.e.: Precisely how is the BW toyline as a whole inferior to TFs today?

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    The tone of the second season is more serious, even if the comedic moments are more distinct.
    I didn't initiate light hearted, nor tone. I said comedic moments.

    Rubbish - the standards today are far below those of Beast Wars. The original Cheetor toy is all over pretty much any FAB. Rampage leaves Cybertron Snarl for dead.

    The best of BW easily stacks up against today's toys. And the standards then were a lot higher. No ridiculously simple junk like FABs or CyberSlammers (no offence to fans of these toys, but the technology in these is non-existent). BW produced ultras like Depth Charge & Tigerhawk, which were just plain good Transformers. Cybertron gave us Jetfire, whose transformation is what you'd expect of a BW deluxe. And he's less poseable than your typical BW deluxe.

    The cream of modern toys are above what BW achieved, I'll concede that. But for every 2008 movie Bumblebee, there's a soundbox-centred Energon Ironhide. For every Movie Leader Prime, there's a Cybertron Supreme Starscream (who was able to be redesigned as a _Legend_ with the same transformation).
    Don't try and compare the good against the crap. You'll get nowhere.

    Having no interest in the toys doesn't mean you have to deride them. I can't stand the Animated concept, but I'll still concede that Animated Soundwave & Leader Megs are well designed toys with a lot of focus. The way you're talking about Beast Wars toys, one could be mistaken for thinking they're on the level of rock lords.
    I'm sure there are some good toys, why do you keep thinking that I have to like them? And back off the rock lords. I like rock lords.

    By all means, hate the idea. Your preferences are yours and you're entitled to them. If you hate the concept of organic beast mode Transformers, you don't need to justify that. But the more you claim that Beast Wars toys are awful, the less others will think of your opinions.
    Damned if I do and damned if I don't, so be it. You're not giving any options with the ultimatum of "sure say what you like, but if you say what you like you'll be thought of less". What the hell am I to do when people can't understand one sentence and keep pushing their views on me?
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  5. #25
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    Mate the BW community is a very very opionated one and if you don'y like it don't have an opinion aparently, i found that out the hard way many years ago.

    How is the next season going?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MV75
    Don't try and compare the good against the crap. You'll get nowhere.
    He's not... he's comparing the toylines as a whole. That's why he said "The cream of modern toys are above what BW achieved, I'll concede that. But for every 2008 movie Bumblebee, there's a soundbox-centred Energon Ironhide. For every Movie Leader Prime, there's a Cybertron Supreme Starscream (who was able to be redesigned as a _Legend_ with the same transformation)."

    Quote Originally Posted by MV75
    I'm sure there are some good toys, why do you keep thinking that I have to like them?
    Nobody's saying that you have to like them. We're saying that just because you may not like the concept of beast TFs doesn't mean you have to deride the toys. dirge was saying that although he hates the concept of Transformers Animated he can see that there are some good toys in that line, regardless of his opinion of the line's concept. You need to see beyond the concept and evaluate the toyline under its own merit.

    Quote Originally Posted by MV75
    Damned if I do and damned if I don't, so be it. You're not giving any options with the ultimatum of "sure say what you like, but if you say what you like you'll be thought of less". What the hell am I to do when people can't understand one sentence and keep pushing their views on me?
    That is NOT what is happening. See above.

    Quote Originally Posted by Soundwarp
    Mate the BW community is a very very opionated one and if you don'y like it don't have an opinion aparently, i found that out the hard way many years ago.
    That's not true. He's allowed to think what he wants of it... it's how he's justifying his opinions that is in question here. If you're going to go against a popular opinion, that's fine... but you need to be able to back it up with... ya know... logic.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    Anyway, yea, they were fine for their day if you were a collector then. I'm collecting now and they are absolutly horrible by the standards I expect today.
    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    Rubbish - the standards today are far below those of Beast Wars. The original Cheetor toy is all over pretty much any FAB. Rampage leaves Cybertron Snarl for dead.
    Not rubbish at all i agree with MV75.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    That's not true. He's allowed to think what he wants of it... it's how he's justifying his opinions that is in question here. If you're going to go against a popular opinion, that's fine... but you need to be able to back it up with... ya know... logic.
    No one HAS to back up a damm thing.

    You can have an opinion and no one is entitled to hear what you think unless you want to.

  8. #28
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    He didn't say all, he was saying overall as a line vs BW overall as a line. Hence why he said:

    Quote Originally Posted by dirge
    The cream of modern toys are above what BW achieved, I'll concede that. But for every 2008 movie Bumblebee, there's a soundbox-centred Energon Ironhide. For every Movie Leader Prime, there's a Cybertron Supreme Starscream (who was able to be redesigned as a _Legend_ with the same transformation).

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    *ignores flamebaits*


    i.e.: Precisely how is the BW toyline as a whole inferior to TFs today?
    No flamebaits intended, I'm frustrated in trying to dumb everything down and expand it into an essay that one sentence should suffice in doing. No more toy discussion. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by Soundwarp View Post
    Mate the BW community is a very very opionated one and if you don'y like it don't have an opinion aparently, i found that out the hard way many years ago.

    How is the next season going?
    I'm still up to where I was yesterday. I'll probably get to watching again early next week and go on from there. I'm sure it'll wind up again like season one did. So far it's like the first season on how it started with the whole new character introduction type episodes, so yea, it should get into some better stories soon I expect.
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  10. #30
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    Heck yes!

    I am a damm FAN of season 2...

    Yep i said it i am a fan of BW season 2!

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