Ozformers Ranks
Thought of something at work last night, and wanted to test it out.

Similar to the toy Techspecs, I'm giving the existing user titles an additional 'Rank' number, to not only make it easier to see how the different status/functions relate to each other, but to also inspire the junior/newer members to work their way up the rankings without it looking like a big leap to the next user-status. If there are several rankings instead of the two main ones (Member and Deluxe Member), it shouldn't look like a 2-class society here, which sometimes leads to the junior members feeling intimidated or feeling like they are being talked-down to (and used to happen occasionally in the past).
It was unintentional, but the Deluxe Members end up having a mid-range 'ranking', so that should help alleviate any perceptions from both sides that DMs are significantly 'better' in some way.

If after a while, there aren't any problems (percieved or reported), I'll leave this Ranking system in place. For now, see what you think.

Explination of the Ranks:

10 - Global Mod (Admin/owner)
9 - Global Mod (more active coverage)
8 - Global Mod (less active coverage)
7 - Section Mod
6 - Deluxe Member (by invitation when earnt - contributes News, Sightings, creative, and/or attends meets)
5 - Special Guest
4 - Member (active and contributes to the forum)
3 - Member (new or not very active)
2 - Distant Spark & Probationary
1 - Protoform (just registered)

People may be moved between Ranks 3 and 4 depending on how active they are (a long term evaluation, as I don't have the time to be adjusting people's rankings every day).

(at this point in time, the 'Active Member' Rank (4) is the only one not already in use, and since people need to be moved manually to different usergroups/titles, all 'Members' will initially appear as 'Rank 3' - it will take me a little time to move people into the 'Active' Usergroup)

Member Listing
The main Member Listing page has also been changed to include more info about each of the members (Ranks 2-10) without having to look at their profile pages.
Only Ranks 2-10 are included in the listing.

(I just realised that the new 'ranking system' makes it so much easier to refer to several usergroups at once)